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Private Equity Investors Pelican Ventures, J.C. Flowers to Buy Ariel Re from Argo Group

Pelican Ventures and J.C. Flowers & Co., both private equity investors with significant insurance expertise, announced they have agreed to acquire reinsurance franchise Ariel Re from Argo Group for an undisclosed sum. Ariel Re is a global underwriter of property …

Russia-Based Hackers Plan New Wave of Attacks Against U.S. Hospitals: Security Firm

A Russia-based ransomware group responsible for a new wave of attacks against U.S. hospitals is laying the groundwork to cripple at least ten more, according to the cyber-security firm Prevailion Inc. Prevailion’s analysis comes a day after the FBI and …

Pennsylvania Judge Allows COVID Business Loss Suit Against Lloyd’s to Advance

Lloyd’s of London lost its initial bid to squelch a coronavirus business interruption lawsuit brought by a Philadelphia bar and restaurant. Judge Gary S. Glazer of the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia turned aside preliminary objections to the suit …

It Would Take P/C Insurers 150 Years to Pay COVID-19 Business Interruption Losses

The world’s property/casualty insurers would have to collect business interruption insurance premiums for 150 years in order to absorb the estimated US$4.5 trillion global output loss inflicted by COVID-19 and its handling in 2020. P/C insurers currently collect US$1.6 trillion …

The Coronavirus Pandemic and The Great Workplace Debate: Viewpoint

Decisions on where and how to work are embodied in trillions of dollars of investment worldwide, including the siting of commercial and residential real estate as well as transportation systems and other infrastructure. Even a small shift in work patterns …

How Government Plans to Make COVID-19 Vaccine Free for Every American

Federal health officials Wednesday issued insurance coverage rules designed to deliver on the promise that every American will have access to free COVID-19 vaccines when they are approved. The regulations from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS, …

WHO to Form COVID Insurance Scheme for Vaccine Side-Effects in Poor Nations

BRUSSELS – A vaccine scheme co-led by the World Health Organization is setting up a compensation fund for people in poor nations who might suffer any side-effects from COVID-19 vaccines, aiming to allay fears that could hamper a global rollout …

AI-Based Risk Score Predicts Prognosis of Outpatients with COVID-19

A new artificial intelligence-based score considers multiple factors to predict the prognosis of individual patients with COVID-19 seen at urgent care clinics or emergency departments. The tool, nicknamed CoVA, was created by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and can …

Insurers Face Liability Uncertainties as Ships Begin to Sail Through Arctic Waters

When Captain Will Whatley guides a ship through Arctic waters, he is starkly aware of what can go wrong. Double the manpower is needed to navigate. Lookout shifts are kept to just one hour, so sailors don’t lose concentration and …

How Auto Workers Are Keeping Factories Running and Masks On

When the coronavirus pandemic slammed the United States in March, the Detroit Three automakers shut their plants and brought their North American vehicle production to an unprecedented cold stop. Now, four months after a slow and sometimes bumpy restart in …