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Chubb Estimates $1.4 Billion in Q2 Global Losses Tied to Coronavirus

Chubb’s disclosure of second quarter 2020 global net catastrophe losses underscores the damage COVID-19 is doing to some carriers’ bottom lines. The global property/casualty insurer estimated $1.8 billion in pretax catastrophe losses for Q2, or $1.5 billion after tax. Of …

State Judge Rejects Michigan Restaurants’ COVID-19 Business Interruption Claim

A trial court judge in Lansing, Michigan handed a victory to insurers in what may be the nation’s first final ruling on the question of whether a property insurer is liable for financial damages caused by a coronavirus closure order. …

101 Ways Coronavirus Crisis Has Changed P/C Insurance Pros’ View of Their Job. Or Not.

Has the coronavirus experience changed how property/casualty insurance professionals view their jobs? Yes and no. The biggest change is that many in the industry learned they can do their job from home, and most, although not all, like that. That’s …

COVID-19 Treatment Remdesivir to Cost Private Insurers $3,120

The maker of a drug shown to shorten recovery time for severely ill COVID-19 patients says it will charge $2,340 for a typical treatment course for people covered by government health programs in the United States and other developed countries. …

Return-to-Work Safety: Employers Find Testing Employees More Trouble Than It’s Worth

From nursing homes in New York and a landfill in Utah to Disney World and the Las Vegas Strip, employers are wrestling with workplace safety in the age of Covid-19 and making fraught calculations about how to safeguard both their …

Exclusive Coronavirus Survey: P/C Insurance Return to ‘Normal’ Office May Take Time

Many property/casualty insurance professionals, most of whom have been working at home during the pandemic, may need some convincing not only to return to an office anytime soon but also to engage in typical business activities with colleagues and customers. …

Exclusive: How P/C Insurance Pros Are Faring Working From Home During Pandemic

According to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, there’s no place like home. For many in the property/casualty insurance industry, home is where their job has been during the pandemic. While millions of people in other industries have been laid …

Minor League Baseball Teams Sue Insurers for Coronavirus Business Income Losses

Fifteen U.S. minor league baseball teams on Tuesday sued several insurers for not paying out claims for business interruption losses after the cancellation of “much or all” of the league’s season as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, according to …

In U.S., 1 in 4 COVID-19 Deaths Are Residents of Nursing Homes

Nursing home residents account for nearly 1 in 10 of all the coronavirus cases in the United States and more than a quarter of the deaths, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data released Thursday. As federal data …

Colleges Asking Returning Athletes to Sign COVID-19 Risk Forms

Ohio State calls it the Buckeye Acknowledgment and Pledge, a two-page document the school asked its athletes to sign before they could begin using team facilities during the pandemic. The document SMU is requiring its athletes to sign is much …