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Work From Home Is Fine . . . For Now: Opinion

There are reasons to be optimistic about corporate America getting more comfortable with work-from-home arrangements brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Workers gain more flexibility around their working and living arrangements. Both companies and workers stand to save money by …

P/C Insurers Back a Federal Pandemic Loss Fund But Not a Backstop Like TRIA

Property/casualty insurance carrier groups are developing a proposal for a federal program to replace revenues lost by businesses shut down during pandemics like COVID-19, but their program won’t be modeled after the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act as some have urged. …

When Insurers Deny Claims, Brokers Are Next in Line for Allegations of Wrongdoing

In the wake of government orders shutting down or seriously limiting the operations of businesses to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak, many affected businesses have turned to their insurers for coverage. This has led to a flurry of lawsuits across …

U.S. Employers Shying Away From Using Coronavirus ‘Immunity’ Tests in Reopening

U.S. employers have cooled to the idea of testing workers for possible immunity to the coronavirus as they prepare to reopen factories and other workplaces. Blood tests that check for antibodies to the new coronavirus have been touted by governments …

AM Best’s Stress Testing Indicates Most Insurers Can Withstand Pandemic Hit

Analysts at the AM Best ratings firm say their initial stress tests of insurance companies globally to gauge the preliminary impact from the COVID-19 pandemic on their financial strength found good news: “most insurers’ capital levels provided an adequate buffer …

The Facts About Supposed ‘Illegal Acts’ Exclusions

Is the Insurance Policy Affected if the Business Opens Against a Governor’s Orders: The Facts About Supposed “Illegal Acts” Exclusions States have gone to war against some municipalities over COVID-19. Executive orders currently in place in many states still bar …

Citing 9/11 Victims Fund, Lawmakers Eye U.S. Compensation Pool For COVID-19 Workers

A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers last week unveiled a plan to compensate essential workers who fall sick or die from COVID-19. The lawmakers are modeling their Pandemic Heroes Compensation Act after the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Reps. Carolyn …

Study Finds State, Local Measures Have Reduced Coronavirus Cases by 34 Million

A new report titled, “Strong Social Distancing Measures in the United States Reduced the COVID-19 Growth Rate” finds that steps taken to reduce the spread of corononavirus by state and local governments have had a major impact. The results imply …

Few Coronavirus Liability Lawsuits Have Been Filed Thus Far

Businesses are urging U.S. lawmakers to shield companies from what they fear could be a flood of lawsuits by workers and consumers blaming employers for exposing them to the new coronavirus. But so far, court records show few such cases …

Business Interruption Claimants Like How Some Localities Worded Emergency Orders

Cities and counties across the country may have handed plaintiff’s attorneys an argument to use in lawsuits against insurers that seek business-interruption coverage for losses caused by coronavirus closure orders. Jurisdictions as far asunder as Los Angeles, Calif. and Key …