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Republicans Blast Biden Vaccine Mandates While Businesses Look to Implementation

Republicans on Friday vowed to fight U.S. President Joe Biden’s new vaccine mandate covering big companies and federal employees, but business groups that often agree with them on issues like taxes are not joining in. The mandate, which the White …

Biden’s Vaccine Plan Puts OSHA in Spotlight; Expected to Trigger Legal Challenges

President Joe Biden’s sweeping new vaccine requirements have Republican governors threatening lawsuits. His unapologetic response: “Have at it.” The administration is gearing up for another major clash between federal and state rule. But while many details about the rules remain …

Biden Calls for COVID Vaccine Mandate or Test for Two-Thirds of U.S. Workers

President Joe Biden on Thursday said he will require all federal employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and the U.S. Department of Labor will issue a rule requiring that businesses with more than 100 employees have their workers vaccinated or …

17 of 32 NFL Teams Have Vaccinated 95% of Players as Season Begins

Seventeen of the National Football League’s 32 teams have vaccinated 95% of their players against the coronavirus, according to league officials, with a new season set to begin this week. Two teams — the Atlanta Falcons and the reigning Super …

Employers Watching Cases of Colleges, Teachers with Disabilities Over Remote Work

A legal battle is brewing over remote work between administrators at U.S. colleges committed to in-person classes and some faculty with disabilities. Experts warn it is a precursor of what awaits employers that order staff back to the office amid …

Global Reinsurance Rates, Demand to Continue Rising in 2022

Global reinsurance rates are likely to continue rising next year after several years of increases, though the pace of increase may slow, ratings analysts said on Tuesday. Reinsurance rates have been rising in the past few years after natural disasters …

States’ Contact Tracing Struggling to Keep Up With Latest Surge in COVID Cases

Health investigators across the U.S. are finding it nearly impossible to keep up with the deluge of new COVID-19 infections and carry out contact tracing efforts that were once seen as a pillar of the nation’s pandemic response. States are …

German Labor Chief Says Employers Can’t Ask About Employees’ Vaccine Status

German companies will not be granted the right to find out whether their employees are vaccinated against COVID-19, although provisions could be made for some particularly risky workplaces, the labor minister said on Wednesday. Many countries are making vaccination mandatory …

How Automakers Are Navigating Differences Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

Public support for stronger measures to require COVID vaccinations is strong, according to a new Reuters/IPSOS poll, but for Detroit automakers the debate over vaccination policy is far from over. General Motors Co. said on Thursday it has required its …

Japan Vaccination Drive Faces Possible Setback Due to Contaminated Batch

A contaminant found in a batch of Moderna Inc.’s COVID-19 vaccines delivered to Japan is believed to be a metallic particle, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported, citing sources at the health ministry. Japan on Thursday suspended the use of 1.63 …