tornadoes News

Number of Deaths From Oklahoma Tornadoes, Storms Rises to 4

The death toll from tornadoes and strong storms last week in Oklahoma has risen to four people. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner had earlier said that one person died when the severe weather struck a mobile home park …

Oklahoma Commissioner: Severe Weather Damaged at Least 1,100 Insured Homes

Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak announced that more than 1,100 homeowners insurance claims have already been filed following severe weather that marched across the state on Wednesday, March 25. “Tornadoes are a devastating act of Mother Nature that Oklahomans …

Storms Sweep Through Oklahoma with Tornadoes, Hail

Oklahoma Attorney General Pruitt announced that Oklahoma’s Emergency Price Stabilization Act is now in effect for 25 Oklahoma counties after Gov. Mary Fallin declared a state of emergency due to tornadoes, severe storms, straight-line winds and flooding that hit the …

Arkansas, Oklahoma, Warned of Hail, High Wind-Packing Storms

While there has been a curious lack of tornadoes throughout the country’s midsection, that may soon change, according to federal weather forecasters. A cold front approaching Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri is expected to bring hail, strong winds and the possibility …

Climate Change Modeling on Cusp of Paradigm Shift

In the face of growing interest in climate change impacts, several big catastrophe modelers said they’ve heard from more clients interested in receiving climate-related data and they believe the field is on the cusp of a change in the way …

Sophisticated Resilience Model in Development in Colorado – And It’ll be Free

Efforts are underway in Colorado to build a sophisticated computer model that will offer a look down to the minute details at just how communities may withstand – or crumble under – perils like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and other …

Kansas Storm Damage Totals Dropped in 2014

The amount of storm damage reported in Kansas in 2014 was the lowest amount in 16 years, according to state insurance regulators. The Kansas Insurance Department says insurance companies received reports of $112.4 million in storm damage claims last year. …

Weather Service: Fewest Tornadoes on Record in Oklahoma in 2014

Just 16 tornadoes touched down in Oklahoma in 2014, which the National Weather Service says is the fewest on record. Oklahoma state climatologist Gary McManus says a combination of factors led to the relative lack of tornadoes, The Oklahoman reported. …

Insurance Council: No Hurricanes, but Bad Weather Plagued Texas

As 2014 hurricane season ends the people of Texas can count themselves lucky to have dodged hurricanes for the past six years, which has been particularly good news for coastal residents. Despite the lack of hurricanes, Texas weather-related losses continue …

Louisiana Parish Still Working on Tornado Damage Estimate

The tornadoes that hit Louisiana’s Ouachita Parish on Oct. 13 did millions of dollars in damage, but officials don’t know whether it will be enough to qualify the parish for help from the Federal Emergency Management Administration. Total damages are …