tornadoes News

Property Damage Prompts Search for Signs of Houston-Area Tornadoes

National Weather Service teams are surveying parts of the Houston area to determine if tornadoes are responsible for damage to homes and a suburban shopping mall. Some roads flooded and nearly 20,000 Houston-area residents lost power on Jan. 9 during …

Insurers Worry 2012 Will Top 2011 for Record Weather Disasters

From floods that crippled countries, to mega cyclones, huge blizzards, killer tornadoes to famine-inducing droughts, 2011 has been another record-breaker for bad weather. While it is too early to predict what 2012 will be like, insurers and weather prediction agencies …

Missouri Regulators Recover Nearly $10M in Insurance Payments

Consumers who filed complaints with the Missouri Department of Insurance have received almost $10 million in additional claims payments from their insurance companies, the department announced. The Missouri DIO has recovered $9.9 for consumers through the first three quarters of …

Tornadoes Offer Lessons in Disaster Response and Planning

In a year marked by a high number of severe and devastating natural catastrophes, one thing is evident — while rare, some situations are not survivable. For instance, if people or structures happen to be located directly in the path …

April Set U.S. Record for Tornadoes

The U.S. set a record for the most tornadoes within a month with April’s deadly storms. The final report for the month shows there were 753 twisters across the country, including a super outbreak on April 25-28 that killed more …

Alabama Study: Small Changes Could Prevent Twister Damage

A new study of tornado destruction in Tuscaloosa found that relatively minor changes in construction — including better shingles, more anchors and thicker vinyl siding — could have prevented much of the damage to houses on the fringes of the …

PartnerRe Comments on Financial Impact of Q2 Losses

Bermuda-based PartnerRe Ltd. has provided information on the net impact of catastrophe-related large losses affecting second quarter 2011 results. Significant losses, related to the tornadoes that struck the U.S. in April and May, are estimated to total $89 million, which …

Alabama Scientists to Study Tornado Outbreak, Warnings

Scientists at The University of Alabama in Huntsville are organizing a research program to better understand the deadly outbreak of tornadoes that killed more than 240 people in Alabama and other Southeastern states on April 27. Supported by a one-year, …

Amlin Updates Cat Loss Estimates; Reports Increase in Reinsurance Rates

UK and Lloyd’s insurer Amlin plc held a presentation for analysts today focused on updating its catastrophe estimates. Amlin estimated that net claims from the two major U.S. tornadoes during April and May 2011 were approximately $50 million. It also …

Totals: U.S. Spring Tornado Losses for P/C Carriers

Record-breaking tornadoes devastated parts of the United States in April and May, generating substantial losses for insurance companies. Following is a list of maximum losses reported by some insurers and reinsurers for those events, ranked by size of loss. Where …