Torsten Jeworrek News

People Moves: Munich Re’s Blunck to Succeed Jeworrek Who Is Stepping Down; Lloyd’s Market Association Appoints 3 New Board Members

The Supervisory Board of Munich Re has appointed Dr. Thomas Blunck (age 57) as the chair of the Reinsurance Committee of the group’s Board of Management with effect from Jan. 1, 2023. He will succeed Dr. Torsten Jeworrek (61), who …

Natural Disasters Cost Insurers $120B in 2021. Munich Re Points to Climate Change Link.

Natural disasters across the globe caused economic losses of US$280 billion in 2021, of which roughly US$120 billion were insured, according to a report from Munich Re, which noted that U.S. natural catastrophes represented an exceptionally high proportion of the …

The New Digital Normal and the Future of Work in Reinsurance

It’s been said that necessity is the mother of invention. That proverb was illustrated perfectly during the insurance industry’s successful scramble to conduct its business digitally at the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. This digital transformation is creating a new …

COVID-19 Crisis Renews Attention on Systemic (Uninsurable) Risks

Reinsurers and insurers for years have been worried about systemic risks โ€“ those uninsurable risks with the potential of surpassing the capital of the industry. The COVID-19 crisis has renewed attention on these risks, which could also include a global …

Catastrophe Losses Driven Higher by Secondary Perils – And Climate Change

Secondary perils, exacerbated by climate change, are driving catastrophe insurance losses, warn a growing chorus of reinsurers and brokers. Indeed, broker Aon reveals that more than 60% of 2020’s insured catastrophe losses of $54 billion have been caused by secondary …

What to Expect in 2021: Reinsurance Market Moving From ‘Timid’ to ‘Hard’

Speaking at one of the many virtual conferences that took place in early September, Dan Malloy, chief executive officer of Bermuda-based Third Point Reinsurance, offered an anecdotal view of the reinsurance market from a broker he knows. “It isn’t a …

Social Inflation, Low Interest Rates, Rising Catastrophes: Recipe for a Hard Market

Even before the coronavirus crisis hit, the re/insurance industry was in a period of significant rate hardening, which will likely continue over the next two years, or even longer, according to Munich Re. Such price increases became necessary after 10-plus …

Reinsurers Look at Cyber’s Massive Growth Possibilities-With Caution

Reinsurers are aware they must constantly invent new solutions in order to stay relevant for their clients. Yet, they admit they are sometimes challenged to close the protection gap for new and emerging risks such as cyber. Cyber is actually …

California Wildfires, Hurricane Michael Top List of 2018’s Costliest Natural Disasters: Munich Re

The costliest natural catastrophes occurred in the United States in 2018 with one of California’s devastating wildfires and Hurricane Michael topping the list, according to Munich Re. A report from Munich Re on last year’s natural disasters pointed to “clear …

Cyber Reinsurers Aim to Master the Dangers of Global Accumulation

Cyber insurance is a market with enormous growth potential โ€“ but one that also has the potential to become a costly, worldwide event in a matter of seconds. Unlike natural catastrophes, cyber isn’t limited to geographic regions. It’s a risk …