tort reform News

Success of Ebola Lawsuits in Texas Would Have Long Odds

Potential suits against the Dallas, Texas, hospital that sent home a patient later diagnosed with Ebola face long odds in the face of state medical malpractice laws. Texas tort-reform measures have made it one of the hardest places in the …

Michigan House Vote Would Allow Fewer Lawsuits Against Insurers

The Michigan House has passed legislation blocking certain insurance lawsuits under the Michigan Consumer Protection Act. Consumers were prevented from suing insurance companies for fraud under the act starting in 2001. Majority Republicans say consumers could instead sue under the …

Ohio Medical Malpractice Claims Decline Again in 2012

Medical malpractice claims in Ohio hit a new low in 2012, according to a new report. The annual Ohio Medical Professional Liability Closed Claim Report from the Ohio Department of Insurance showed 2,733 claims in 2012, the last year for …

Missouri Housed Endorses Bill Limiting Medical Malpractice Awards

Seeking to sidestep a court ruling, the Missouri House endorsed legislation that attempts to reinstate limits on the amount of money people can receive from medical malpractice lawsuits. The bill given initial approval seeks to re-impose a $350,000 cap on …

Why Damages Caps Won’t Fix Malpractice Laws: Peter Orszag

I have long believed that reforming U.S. medical malpractice laws could bring significant benefits, and new research supports that notion. Before conservatives get too excited, though, the evidence suggests the right way forward is not to impose arbitrary caps on …

Missouri Lawmakers to Try Again for Award Limits in Medical Liability Suits

Missouri lawmakers plan to try again to limit how much money people can receive in medical malpractice lawsuits. Missouri House Speaker Tim Jones says the liability limits are a priority for the 2014 session. And Rep. Eric Burlison, of Springfield, …

10 Years of Tort Reform in Texas Bring Fewer Suits, Lower Payouts

Ten years after the Texas Legislature capped damages in the state’s medical malpractice lawsuits, the number of suits and the amounts paid out have fallen sharply. The Austin American Statesman reported that Department of Insurance data shows medical malpractice claims, …

Oklahoma Speaker Lays out Guidelines for Tort Reform Session

Oklahoma lawmakers will likely take up more than two dozen bills when they convene at the state Capitol next month for a special session dealing with tort legislation, according to House Speaker T.W. Shannon. Shannon, R-Lawton, said a rewrite of …

Oklahoma Lawmakers Want Special Session on Business Legal Liability

Spokesmen for the leaders of Oklahoma’s House and Senate said the lawmakers want the governor to call a special session “sooner rather than later” so that the Legislature can consider restoring laws overturned by the state Supreme Court that were …

Oklahoma House Dem Leader: Tort Reform Special Session ‘Waste of Time’

Getting Oklahoma lawmakers to return for a special session to address a civil lawsuit bill ruled unconstitutional by the courts is a “waste of time and money,” the House Democratic leader said. Rep. Scott Inman said he believes most Oklahomans …