tort reform News

Oklahoma Lawmakers to Revive Lawsuit Limits

Oklahoma lawmakers will again consider legislation setting limits on lawsuits and making it easier to dismiss those that don’t have merit after the state Supreme Court struck down a 2009 law on the matter. Legislative leaders were studying their options …

Missouri House Panel Mulls Bill on Work Discrimination Lawsuits

Republicans are hoping the third time is a charm for a measure a Missouri House committee considered that would make it harder for employees to win lawsuits alleging workplace discrimination. Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon has vetoed similar legislation each of …

Arkansas Lawmakers Weigh Competing Tort Reform Ideas

Arkansas lawmakers are weighing competing ballot measures to address rulings that overturned parts of a 2003 tort reform law, including a proposal to give the Legislature the authority to write the rules and practices for the state’s courts. The move …

Medical Malpractice Tort Reform Signed into Law in Michigan

Tort reform advocates in Michigan, including medical malpractice insurer, The Doctors Company, lauded the recent signing of reform legislation in Michigan. The Michigan State Medical Society, with significant support from The Doctors Company and its trade organization, the Michigan Insurance …

Attorney Behind $43M Award for Ohio Agent Against Nationwide Insurance to File Class Action

An Ohio law firm that represented a former Nationwide Insurance agent for a $42.8 million jury verdict is getting ready to file a class action against the insurer “in the near future.” Attorney Caryn Groedel and her law firm Caryn …

Ohio Senate Panel Advances Asbestos Lawsuit Bill

An Ohio Senate committee advanced a bill on Dec. 4 aimed at curbing duplicate lawsuits over on-the-job asbestos exposure in a state with one of the largest backlogs of such cases in the nation. The bill cleared the committee along …

Anti-Lawsuit Groups, Lawyers Fueling Texas Races

Millions of dollars have been pumped into typically low-spending Texas Legislature races in recent weeks by groups hoping to limit the amount of money that can be awarded in lawsuits and attorneys fighting such restrictions. Texans for Lawsuit Reform and …

Corporate Lawyers Rank California, Illinois, West Virgina Low for Legal Climate

Lawyers for U.S. companies say California, Illinois and West Virginia have some of the worst legal climates in the country for businesses, according to the latest survey by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform (ILR). Delaware, according to those …

Mississippi High Court Declines to Rule on State’s Damages Cap

The Mississippi Supreme Court says it does not have enough information to decide whether the state’s limit on non-economic damages — as applied to a federal lawsuit — is constitutional. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, …

Long Term Care Liability Loss Rate Expected to Grow: Aon

Long term care liability loss rates and claim severity have reached an eight-year high and are expected to grow steadily in 2013 against a backdrop of health care provider budget constraints and uncertainty about health care reform, according to Aon …