toxic chemicals News

Ohio Residents, Norfolk Southern Strike a Deal on Crash Evidence

Ohio residents suing Norfolk Southern Corp NSC.N will get an extra day to inspect rail cars that spilled a toxic chemical during a train derailment this month before the company clears the crash site, according to a deal struck by …

Ohio Train Derailment Prompts West Virginia Utility to Take Water Safety Steps

A West Virginia water utility is enhancing its water treatment process as a precaution following the derailment of a train hauling chemicals that later sent up a toxic plume in Ohio. West Virginia American Water said Sunday that it’s also …

New Vermont Law Permits Lawsuits Seeking Medical Monitoring for Toxic Exposure

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott signed a bill into law Thursday that will allow people exposed to toxic substances to sue the culpable facility for medical testing or procedures to monitor for diseases from the exposure. The governor’s bill signing came …

EPA Launches Strategy to Regulate Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’

The Biden administration said it is launching a broad strategy to regulate toxic industrial compounds associated with serious health conditions that are used in products ranging from cookware to carpets and firefighting foams. Michael Regan, the head of the Environmental …

New York Plastics Plant Settles Claim Over Polluted Drinking Water

A plastics company in upstate New York agreed to pay $23.5 million to settle a class-action lawsuit claiming it knowingly polluted well water with a toxic chemical. The Times Union reports the proposed settlement, agreed to by Taconic Plastics, would …

DuPont, Spinoffs to Pay $50M to Delaware for ‘Forever Chemical’ Cleanup

DuPont Co. and two spinoffs will pay at least $50 million to Delaware to help clean up toxic chemicals, the Delaware Department of Justice announced. It’s the first time the state’s Department of Justice has resolved environmental damage claims on …

Vermont Law Restricts Sale of Products Containing PFAS

Vermont Governor Phil Scott has signed a bill into law that restricts the use, manufacture and sale of products in Vermont containing a group of toxic chemicals collectively known as PFAS. The products include certain firefighting foams and equipment, food …

New Hampshire Committee to Consider Tough Water Standards for Chemicals

A New Hampshire legislative committee will consider a proposal to create some of the nation’s toughest drinking water standards for a class of toxic chemicals that have caused widespread contamination in the state. On Thursday, the New Hampshire Joint Legislative …

Towns Raising Concerns About New Hampshire PFAS Standards

Groups representing municipalities and businesses are trying to put the brakes on New Hampshire’s efforts to impose some of the nation’s toughest drinking water standards for a class of toxic chemicals that have caused widespread contamination in the state. Last …

Maine Bill Aims to Ban Certain Food Packaging Chemicals

The Maine Legislature has passed a bill aimed at prohibiting the sale of food packaging with certain potentially toxic chemicals. The Senate on Tuesday sent the bill to Governor Janet Mills, who has pushed to explore contamination risks from per- …