trade News

GFIA Supports Business 20 Initiatives to Promote Economic Growth, Stability

The Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA) has issued a bulletin noting the organizations support for the “recommendations made by the Business 20 (B20) group on how private sector activity and investment can help the Australian G20 Presidency meet the …

Services Trade Talks Begin as WTO Seeks Way out of Stalemate

Countries representing 70 percent of the global economy are set to negotiate lower barriers to trade in services after agreeing the structure of a deal, Australian Trade Minister Craig Emerson said in an interview. The push for a deal on …

WTO Director Lamy Says Doha Round Rescue in US, China’s Hands

World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy on Monday acknowledged the Geneva-based grouping has been a “disappointing” forum for trade liberalization but placed the blame for moribund world trade talks on both China and the United States. Lamy, in a …

China Eases Access to Insurance, Travel industries

China has eased restrictions on foreign companies in parts of its insurance, travel and delivery industries in a possible effort to reverse a slide in investment from abroad, an American business group said Friday. Some of the measures were promised …

U.S., Trade Allies Push for International Services Talks

A proposed international agreement to reduce barriers to trade in service sectors ranging from banking to telecommunications [including insurance] would give the global economy a much-needed boost, top trade officials said on Wednesday. “This is a huge opportunity to spur …

PCI Urges Rapid Progress on Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement

U.S. Exports Seen at Risk as Russia Enters WTO

U.S. agricultural, aircraft and other exports to Russia could suffer unless Congress passes legislation soon recognizing the former Cold War enemy is now a fellow member of the World Trade Organization, trade experts and business groups said. After 18 years …

Time Running Out for Russia Trade Bill Says Congressman

Time is running out for Congress to approve a Russia trade bill before Moscow formally enters the World Trade Organization in August, potentially putting U.S. exporters at a huge disadvantage, a senior Republican lawmaker said. Representative Kevin Brady said House …

House Lawmakers Reach Deal on Russia Trade Pact, Rights Bill

The top Republican and Democrat on the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee said on Thursday they had reached a deal to move forward on Russian trade legislation, including human rights provisions opposed by Moscow. “I am pleased that …

Russia Backs WTO Entry; U.S. Friction Persists

Russia’s upper house of parliament voted on Wednesday to ratify entry into the World Trade Organization, and now only the signature of President Vladimir Putin is needed to complete the country’s 18-year bid to join the trade rules club. Russia …