train safety technology News

Regulator Says U.S. Railroads Still Have Work to Do Installing Key Safety Technology

The railroad industry has installed safety technology on nearly 90% of tracks where it is required, federal officials said Wednesday, but “significant work” is needed to ensure the technology is completely installed by a December 2020 deadline. Federal Railroad Administration …

Two-Thirds of Commuter Trains May Miss Braking Technology Deadline

As many as two-thirds of the 29 U.S. commuter railroads may not meet a deadline to install an anti-crash technology by the end of the year, according to a report by a government watchdog seen by Reuters. The report by …

Many Railroads Slow to Adopt Safety Technology Even After Deadline Extension

Many commuter and freight railroads have made little progress installing safety technology designed to prevent deadly collisions and derailments despite a mandate from Congress, according to a government report released. The technology, called positive train control or PTC, uses digital …

Single Engineer for Trains a Tough Sell Following Amtrak Crash

The Amtrak crash that killed eight people this month raised questions of the safety of one-engineer trains, thwarting the idea of reducing freight crews for now, Union Pacific Corp. Chief Executive Officer Lance Fritz said. While cargo operators would save …

Railroad Industry Wants Delay in Safety Technology Requirement

Despite a rash of deadly train crashes, the railroad industry’s allies in Congress are trying to push back the deadline for installing technology to prevent the most catastrophic types of collisions until at least 2020, half a century after accident …