train safety News

NTSB: Technology Upgrade Likely Could Have Prevented N.Y. Train Derailment

Federal safety officials say a technology upgrade they’ve been recommending for years would probably have prevented the Dec. 1 train derailment that killed four people in New York.The National Transportation Safety Board said a tool called positive train control would …

Audit Targets Safety on New York State Railroad Bridges

The New York State’s Department of Transportation lacked records to show adequate and updated safety plans and inspections for many railroad bridges statewide, according to an audit being released by the state comptroller’s office. Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli tells The Associated …

New York Train Wreck Could Be Case of Highway Hypnosis

It’s sometimes called highway hypnosis or white-line fever, and it’s familiar to anyone who has driven long distances along a monotonous route.Drivers are lulled into a semi-trance state and reach their destination with little or no memory of parts of …

After Derailment, Feds Order Changes at New York Railway

U.S. transportation officials ordered the Metro-North Railroad last Friday to quickly overhaul its signal system and temporarily put an extra worker in the driver’s cab on some routes that have major speed changes, including the one where a speeding commuter …

New York Train Wreck Engineer Suspended Without Pay

The engineer driving the speeding commuter train that derailed in New York City last weekend, killing four people, has been suspended without pay, a railroad spokesman said Thursday.William Rockefeller is “out of service, and not being paid,” the spokesman for …

Analysis: 2 Factors Key to Lawsuits Over New York Train Crash

For lawyers preparing to sue over Sunday’s deadly New York commuter rail accident, their success in court may depend largely on two factors: whether human error caused the derailment and if state or federal law governs railroad safety in the …

Metro-North Crash Seen Thwarting Delay of Automatic Braking

The deadly train derailment in New York City may force railroads to install automatic brakes by 2015 and dash industry efforts to put off adding the technology by five years. The Metro-North Railroad wreck may persuade Congress to reject legislation …

MTA’s Captive Insurer FMTAC Comments on Coverages for Train Derailment

New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has a wholly owned insurance subsidiary, a captive insurer called the First Mutual Transportation Assurance Company (FMTAC), that will provide part of the coverages for liability and property losses stemming from the Dec. 1 …

New York Metro-North Becomes Inquiry Magnet After Held Up as Rail Model

Two years after being singled out for international honors, Metro-North Railroad finds itself facing a wave of retirements, under three federal safety investigations, and explaining to officials and riders why a locomotive engineer drove a speeding train into a deadly …

New York Metro-North Derailment Puts Spotlight on Rail Safety

A deadly derailment on a curve in Metro-North Railroad’s Hudson Line rekindled safety concerns and promised to snarl today’s commute for thousands of riders on one of New York’s major mass-transit arteries. The crash yesterday beside the Harlem River, where …