Trans-Pacific Trade negotiations News

Trump’s ‘America First’ Trade Policy Overlooks America’s Exports of Services

One thing that’s often missed in President Donald Trump’s complaints about the U.S. trade deficit is America’s $248 billion surplus in exports of services like education, financial services and software. Microsoft Corp., Goldman Sachs Group and FedEx Corp. are all …

Trump Orders U.S. Exit from Pacific Trade Pact and Reset on NAFTA

President Donald Trump abruptly ended the decades-old U.S. tilt toward free trade by signing an executive order to withdraw from an Asia-Pacific accord that was never ratified and promising to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement. “Great thing for …

Congress Finally Approves Fast Track Trade Authority

Legislation vital to securing the largest U.S. trade deal in decades was passed by the Senate on Wednesday by a comfortable margin, advancing President Barack Obama’s efforts to strengthen U.S. economic ties around the Pacific Rim. After a six-week congressional …

House Could Vote on Fast-Track Trade Bill Friday

U.S. lawmakers have reached a deal on funding to help workers who lose their jobs due to trade, possibly paving the way for a vote on legislation key to President Barack Obama’s signature Pacific trade pact as early as Friday. …

U.S. Trade Rep Optimistic Trans-Pacific Talks Can Finish in 2013

U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk said on Tuesday that he was optimistic a deal could be reached in Asia Pacific free-trade talks in 2013, even though tough issues remain. “It’s a negotiation. It will be very difficult to close … …