Treasury News

U.S. Treasury Warns Cyber Insurers Against Paying Ransomware Demands

The U.S. Treasury Department is warning that individuals or businesses that help facilitate ransomware payments may be violating anti-money laundering and sanctions regulations. The warnings came in a pair of advisories, one from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and …

Employers Providing Paid Family Leave Qualify for Tax Credit

The Treasury Department announced that as part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, eligible employers who provide paid family and medical leave to their employees during tax years 2018 and 2019 may qualify for a new business credit. …

Prudential Will Appeal SIFI Designation; AIG, GE Will Not

Prudential Financial Inc., the No. 2 U.S. life insurer, is contesting a U.S. finding that it poses a potential risk to the financial system, becoming the first company to challenge the label that brings additional oversight. Prudential requested a hearing …

AIG Shares Fall Further, Put Pressure on Treasury

Later this month investors will get a chance to buy into the revived American International Group, but dreams of a blockbuster sale have faded with the steady decline in AIG’s shares. The stakes are high for the U.S. Treasury, which …

Treasury to Name Federal Insurance Advisory Committee

The Treasury Department has announced it will create a Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance. The committee will provide advice to the new Federal Insurance Office (FIO) and the Treasury Department, including to the FIO director who is a member of …

Treasury Defends Dodd-Frank Reforms; Promises Insurance Expert Soon

The Obama administration fired a fresh salvo at Wall Street Tuesday, telling critics of the U.S. financial reform law to knock off their attacks. “We will continue to oppose efforts to slow down, weaken, or repeal these essential reforms,” Deputy …

UPDATE – Treasury Expects $6.3 Billion from AIG’s Metlife Share Sale

American International Group sold $9.6 billion worth of MetLife Inc shares on Wednesday, producing gross proceeds of about $6.3 billion to accelerate its payback of U.S. Treasury bailout funds. AIG and the Treasury said a total of 146.8 million shares …

Geithner Argues Healthcare Repeal Bad for Business

Repealing the new healthcare law would be a setback for millions who have gained coverage and be bad for business, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday as the House of Representatives prepared to vote to do just that. “Repealing …

Agent Group Sounds Alarm Over Federal Insurance Study

Congress should refuse to fund a study of insurance regulation that the new Federal Insurance Office is supposed to conduct, an insurance agents’ trade group said. The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) also wants Congress to repeal the …

AIG Recapitalization Deal Closes

The recapitalization of bailed-out insurer American International Group Inc. closed last Friday, leaving the government with a 92 percent stake that it plans to sell quickly. Bankers were buzzing Friday about how soon that might happen, with at least one …