TRIA renewal News

Financial Regulators Tell Congress TRIA Still Needed

The private insurance market is not in a position to fill the gap that would be created if Congress fails to renew the federal terrorism risk insurance program, concludes a new report to Congress by the government’s financial regulators. If …

Brokers Urge Renewal of ‘Essential’ Federal Terrorism Insurance

The federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) is a “model” for public-private cooperation and should be renewed, insurance broker Marsh told lawmakers on Capitol Hill. Peter J. Beshar, executive vice president and general counsel of Marsh & McLennan Companies, testified …

P/C Industry Faces Challenges If Terrorism Coverage Not Renewed: Fitch

If Congress fails to renew or makes significant changes to the federal government’s terrorism risk insurance program, some insurers will be forced to significantly alter their underwriting portfolios to reduce terrorism exposures. Also specialty or monoline workers’ compensation or commercial …

Industry Told TRIA Won’t Be Renewed Until 2014

The property/casualty insurance industry should not count on Congress reauthorizing the federal terrorism reinsurance program this year or in time for January renewals, according to a key insurance lobbyist working on the issue on Capitol Hill. If Congress agrees to …

Q&A: Congressional Politics and Prospects for Terrorism Insurance Renewal

The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, which was initially enacted in 2002, and amended by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act of 2005 and the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) (collectively, including both amendments, TRIA), …