Tropical Storm Gabrielle News

Humberto Becomes Season’s First Hurricane; Gabrielle Spares Bermuda

Hurricane Humberto, the season’s first, churned in the Atlantic west of the Cape Verde Islands as Tropical Storm Gabrielle stalled after passing Bermuda. Humberto was declared a Category 1 storm in a 5 a.m. advisory from the U.S. National Hurricane …

Bermuda Under Tropical Storm Warning for Gabrielle

Tropical Storm Gabrielle reformed in the Atlantic south of Bermuda, which can expect high winds, rough surf and rain later today, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. Gabrielle was 165 miles (265 kilometers) south of Bermuda and moving north …

Tropical Storm Gabrielle Drenches Puerto Rico

Tropical Storm Gabrielle isn’t expected to gain much strength as it churns in the Caribbean Sea on a path between Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. Gabrielle was about 65 miles (105 kilometers) west- …