trucker rest rules News

Sen. Collins Finds Route to Help Trucking Industry

For the second time in three years, the trucking industry has found a friend in Senator Susan Collins. The Maine Republican got a rider attached to the spending bill approved over the weekend so truckers will no longer have to …

House $1.1 Trillion Plan Includes Deals on Banks, Trucks, Adjusters, Campaign Funds

The House passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill after a day of disarray and just hours before U.S. government funding was set to run out. The vote last night was 219-206. With current government funding ending at midnight, the House …

Congress Budget Deal Suspends Trucker Rest Rule

Congress is poised to roll back safety rules aimed at ensuring truck drivers get enough rest, ignoring the pleas of consumer activists and U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. The provision, added to budget legislation to fund the U.S. government through …

Transportation Chief Opposes Trucker Fatigue Rule Delay in Budget

Congress is considering adding to a year-end budget deal a provision to roll back safety rules aimed at ensuring truck drivers get enough rest, a measure U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said should be rejected. Foxx said he strongly opposes …