Trump administration News

Clearing Large Swaths of Land Part of Plan to Slow Western Wildfires

The Trump administration is proposing an ambitious plan to slow Western wildfires by bulldozing, mowing or revegetating large swaths of land along 11,000 miles of terrain in the West. The plan announced this summer would create strips of land known …

Insurers Advised Political Volatility, Economic Slowdown, Floods Among Top Risks

As insurers track both old and new risks heading into 2019, here’s one that carriers don’t typically consider: The White House. David Wessel, director of The Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, cited the Trump White House and its …

Trump Team Blames California Wildfires on Environmentalists, Sparking Backlash

Scientists say California’s record wildfires have been fed by an abnormally hot and dry fire season made worse by climate change, but the Trump administration insists there’s another culprit: environmentalists and their policies. “Radical environmentalists” should shoulder some of the …

Two More Counties Added to New York’s Lake Flooding Disaster Declaration

New York officials say two more counties that sustained extensive shoreline damage from Lake Ontario flooding last year are now eligible for federal recovery aid. Gov. Andrew Cuomo and U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, all Democrats, announced Friday …

Penn. Commissioner Miller: Individual Market Instability Will Raise Costs

Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller issued a letter to federal Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price detailing the urgent need for stability in the individual health insurance market as health insurers prepare to finalize rates for 2018 …

Trump Approves Disaster Assistance for New Hampshire

President Donald Trump on Wednesday issued a major disaster declaration for New Hampshire and will provide federal emergency assistance following severe storms that hit the state last month. The storms dropped more than an inch of rain per hour. About …

Federal Uncertainty Could Impact Pennsylvania Individual Market, Miller Says

Pennsylvania insurers are seeking a statewide average rate increase of 8.8 percent for individual plans and 6.7 percent for small group plans, but this could be adversely affected by actions taken by the Trump Administration or Congress against the Affordable …

Trump Hands Climate Leadership Role to China to Dismay of Global Leaders

President Donald Trump’s decision to isolate the U.S. on climate change triggered waves of complaints from government and business leaders around the world and handed China a golden opportunity to burnish its image as a global leader. Trump’s withdrawal from …

Obamacare Insurers Struggle to Set Plans Amid Threats to Program

Obamacare is stuck in limbo, and insurers and state regulators are struggling to set their plans for what’s increasingly shaping up as a chaotic year for the health-care program. After the failure of Republicans’ first attempt to repeal and replace …

Trump Aims to Raise Insurer Participation in Obamacare with New Rules

The Trump administration finalized a set of rules that it says will help bolster insurer participation in Obamacare’s markets, even as the president presses for repeal of the law itself. The rules, published Thursday [March 13] by the Department of …