Trump climate change News

U.S. Scientist Files Whistleblower Complaint Over Order to Stop Climate Work

A climate scientist for the Trump administration’s health protection agency who was ordered by his agency to drop work on climate issues will file a whistleblower complaint this week with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, his lawyers said on …

White House Eyes Panel to Question Climate Threat to Security

The White House is advancing plans to form a presidential panel that will question science used in U.S. military and intelligence reports showing that human-driven climate change poses national security risks, according to a source briefed by participants in the …

Trump EPA Chief Tells Senators Climate Change ‘Not the Greatest Crisis’

U.S. President Donald Trump’s new pick to run the Environmental Protection Agency told lawmakers on Wednesday he does not believe climate change is a major crisis, and would continue to undo Obama-era emission limits if confirmed. Trump nominated EPA Acting …

UN Talks Seeking Climate Rulebook Reflect U.S.-China Tension

China accused some of the richest nations in the world of “backsliding” on pledges to clean up pollution and provide $100 billion a year in climate-related aid by 2020. The comments at a United Nations conference on global warming in …

Did HUD Just Restore Obama Federal Flood Rule Nixed by Trump?

The Trump administration’s stance on climate change became a little less clear this week. Six months ago, President Donald Trump revoked an Obama-era rule requiring federally funded projects to account for the increased flood risk associated with global warming. Critics …

Trump Disaster Aid Includes $12B for Cities Battling Climate Change Flooding

Hidden in the Trump administration’s $44 billion emergency budget request is a plan to expand an Obama-era effort to make cities and towns resilient to the more frequent storms tied to climate change. While President Donald Trump has dismissed global …

Government Report Finds Climate Change Costing Taxpayers Billions Each Year

A non-partisan federal watchdog says climate change is already costing U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars each year, with those costs expected to rise as devastating storms, floods, wildfires and droughts become more frequent in the coming decades. A Government Accountability …

Trump Moves to Undo Federal Climate Change Policies

President Donald Trump is moving aggressively to undo policies designed to keep the carbon-cutting promises the U.S. made alongside nearly 200 other countries in Paris, while stopping short of a decision to formally withdraw from that landmark climate accord. Trump …

Appliances to Pipelines: Trump Plans Major Rollback of Obama Climate Change Rules

President Donald Trump is set to sign a sweeping directive to dramatically shrink the role climate change plays in decisions across the government, ranging from appliance standards to pipeline approvals, according to a person familiar with the administration’s plan. The …

Trump Advisor Says U.S. Will Change Climate Policy, Pull Out of Paris Agreement

The United States will switch course on climate change and pull out of a global pact to cut emissions, said Myron Ebell, who headed U.S. President Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transition team until his inauguration. Ebell is the …