Trump EPA News

Biden to Restore Legal Foundation for Limits on Mercury Pollution, Discarded by Trump

President Joe Biden plans in coming days to shore up one of the most consequential environmental regulations in history by moving to restore the legal foundation for limits on mercury pollution from power plants. Restrictions on mercury, imposed by the …

Trump’s EPA Institutes Curb on ‘Secret’ Science Used in Formulating Regulations

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief said on Monday he has finalized a rule to limit what scientific research the agency can use to formulate regulations, in a concession to big business weeks before President Donald Trump leaves office. …

EPA Begins Rewrite of Rules on Costs, Benefits of Environmental Regulations

The Trump administration is planning to write new rules for how it weighs the human costs and benefits of environmental regulations, a move that could make it harder for future presidents to stiffen limits on pollution and combat climate change. …

17 States Sue to Halt Trump Rollback of Climate Change Regulations

A coalition of 17 U.S. states filed a legal challenge on Wednesday against efforts by President Donald Trump’s administration to roll back climate change regulations, deepening a political rift over his emerging energy policies. Led by New York state, the …

Report: Trump Administration Orders Removal of Climate Page from EPA’s Website

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to remove the climate change page from its website, two agency employees told Reuters, the latest move by the newly minted leadership to erase ex-President Barack Obama’s climate change …