Trump health insurance News

Judge Permits Short-Term Health Plans in Blow to Obamacare Supporters

The Trump administration can expand the sale of short-term health insurance policies that don’t meet the standards of the Affordable Care Act, a federal judge ruled, advancing the government’s efforts to undo Obamacare. U.S. District Judge Richard Leon in Washington …

How Trump Is Remaking Health Insurance Without Repealing Obamacare

President Donald Trump’s attempt to transform American health insurance is almost complete. Twenty months ago, frustrated after attempts to repeal Obamacare fell apart in the Republican-controlled Senate, Trump pledged to use executive power to do what Congress failed to legislate. …

Judge Nixes Trump Administration’s Low-Cost Association Health Plans for Small Firms

A federal judge has struck down a small-business health insurance plan widely touted by President Donald Trump, the second setback in a week for the administration’s health care initiatives. U.S. District Judge John D. Bates wrote in his opinion late …

Small Firms’ Access to Low Cost Health Plans Depends on State

As small business owners shop for 2019 health insurance, some will for the first time have the chance to join forces and buy cheaper insurance โ€“ depending on which state they’re in. New rules that began going into effect last …

Trump Labor Chief Readies Rule to Allow Small Business Health Plans

The Trump administration wants to make it easier for small businesses to join together to offer cheaper health insurance plans that would lack some of the protections required under Obamacare. The U.S. Labor Department on Tuesday said it plans to …

House Passes Obamacare Repeal, 217-213; Senate Support in Doubt

House Republicans mustered just enough votes to pass their health-care bill Thursday, salvaging what at times appeared to be a doomed mission to repeal and partially replace Obamacare under intense pressure from President Donald Trump to produce legislative accomplishments. The …

Obamacare Insurers Struggle to Set Plans Amid Threats to Program

Obamacare is stuck in limbo, and insurers and state regulators are struggling to set their plans for what’s increasingly shaping up as a chaotic year for the health-care program. After the failure of Republicans’ first attempt to repeal and replace …

Trump Aims to Raise Insurer Participation in Obamacare with New Rules

The Trump administration finalized a set of rules that it says will help bolster insurer participation in Obamacare’s markets, even as the president presses for repeal of the law itself. The rules, published Thursday [March 13] by the Department of …

Trump May Withhold Insurers’ Funds to Force Democrats to Negotiate Healthcare

U.S. President Donald Trump told The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that he might consider withholding billions of dollars of Obamacare payments to health insurers to force Democrats back to the negotiating table on healthcare. Insurers and major medical groups …

Why Allowing Health Insurance Sales Across State Lines Won’t Help

The effort to replace Obamacare faces increasing challenges, the more it is subjected to the harsh light of scrutiny. A good example is the proposal, apparently central to the Republican replacement plans, to allow people to buy health insurance across …