Trump Obamacare News

America Is Still Waiting for Trump’s ‘Much Better’ Replacement for Obamacare

As a candidate for the White House, Donald Trump repeatedly promised that he would “immediately” replace President Barack Obama’s health care law with a plan of his own that would provide “insurance for everybody.” Back then, Trump made it sound …

How Trump Is Remaking Health Insurance Without Repealing Obamacare

President Donald Trump’s attempt to transform American health insurance is almost complete. Twenty months ago, frustrated after attempts to repeal Obamacare fell apart in the Republican-controlled Senate, Trump pledged to use executive power to do what Congress failed to legislate. …

Judge Nixes Trump Administration’s Low-Cost Association Health Plans for Small Firms

A federal judge has struck down a small-business health insurance plan widely touted by President Donald Trump, the second setback in a week for the administration’s health care initiatives. U.S. District Judge John D. Bates wrote in his opinion late …

Trump Now Sides With Those Hoping to Pull Plug on All of Obamacare

The Trump administration is siding with Obamacare opponents who argue that it is unconstitutional and should be scrapped entirely, initiating a new, more aggressive assault on the health care law that will assure the issue will be squarely at the …

Republican Leaders Undercut Trump AG’s Bid to End Pre-Existing Conditions Coverage

Even after the Trump administration chose not to defend Obamacare’s protections for people with pre-existing medical conditions in court, Republican leaders are hoping the lawsuit doesn’t undo one of the most popular parts of the law. Just five months before …

Federal Agency Blocks Health Plans Falling Short of Obamacare Benefits

A U.S. government agency on Thursday said Idaho could not allow health insurers to sell plans that do not comply with Obamacare, a sign that the Trump administration will enforce the law even as it takes regulatory actions to weaken …

Trump Administration Encourages More Short-Term, Cheaper Health Plans

The Trump administration is proposing to expand the availability of short-term insurance plans, offering a cheaper health coverage option for consumers, while taking another step to undercut Obamacare. The Department of Health and Human Services proposed allowing short-term plans to …

Trump Rule Permits Health Plans by Self-Employed, Small Businesses That Skirt Obamacare

The Trump administration on Thursday proposed a rule to allow Americans who are self-employed or work for small businesses to buy health insurance that does not comply with all Obamacare requirements in an effort to unwind the 2010 healthcare law. …

Obamacare Enrollment Down Only 4% Despite GOP Sabotage Campaign

Slightly fewer Americans have enrolled for insurance through the federal Obamacare marketplace compared to a year ago, the government said on Thursday, but the number was higher than expected in light of steps taken by President Donald Trump and Congress …

Trump Pulls Support for Senators’ Bipartisan Deal to Save Obamacare Subsidies

President Donald Trump on Wednesday backed away from a bipartisan deal from two U.S. senators to stabilize Obamacare by restoring subsidies to health insurers, one day after signaling his support for the plan. The agreement reached by Republican Senator Lamar …