Trump regulatory policy News

Justice Department Urges Congress to Rewrite Regulatory Policy

The U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday urged Congress to revise a 74-year-law that is central to how the government sets regulatory policy. Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen told Reuters the department wanted to work with Congress to modernize the 1946 …

Trump Regulatory Rollback Targets Safety Rules Prompted by Industrial Disasters

The Trump administration’s move to relax an Obama-era chemical safety regulation put in place after an explosion at a fertilizer plant is the latest example of the White House easing rules established in the wake of disasters. Trump’s professed goal …

Trump Administration Begins Repeal of Obama Clean Power Plan

When President Barack Obama unveiled his plan to pare emissions from U.S. power plants two years ago, he stressed the long-term health benefits: 3,600 fewer premature deaths, 90,000 fewer asthma attacks in children and a decline in hospital visits. Now, …

Trump Administration Drops Rule to Address Truck Driver, Train Engineer Fatigue

The Trump administration is halting a year-old effort to seek better ways to diagnose truckers and railroad workers who have sleep apnea, a health condition linked to deadly accidents. Two agencies in the Department of Transportation announced Friday that they …

Republicans Prepare Assault on Obama’s Final Regulations

Republicans in Congress plan to deploy a powerful tool soon after Donald Trump is inaugurated to scuttle a host of rules put in place in the last months of Barack Obama’s presidency, yet they must act quickly for the tactic …

Republican Platform Under Trump: Reinstate Glass-Steagall, Go Slow on Trade Pacts

Republican National Convention delegates approved a platform Monday that calls for reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act and scaling back the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul, calling it the Democrats’ “legislative Godzilla.” The Glass-Steagall measure puts presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump and his party …