Trump trucking regulation News

Trump Administration Moves Ahead with Revised Truckers’ Hours Rules

The Trump administration took a key step last week toward relaxing federal rules that govern the length of time truck drivers can spend behind the wheel, a move long sought by the trucking industry but opposed by safety advocates who …

Trump Administration to Ease Rules on Truckers’ Maximum Hours on Road

Truck driver Lucson Francois was forced to hit the brakes just five minutes from his home in Pennsylvania. He’d reached the maximum number of hours in a day he’s allowed to be on duty. Francois couldn’t leave the truck unattended. …

Small Trucking Firms Want Trump to Delay Electronic Log Requirement

Many independent U.S. truckers are pushing President Donald Trump to back his anti-regulatory rhetoric by delaying an Obama-era rule requiring electronic monitors in trucks, a measure some drivers fear could put them out of business due to extra costs. The …

Trucking Industry Backs Bills Easing Self-Driving Vehicle Regulation

A U.S. trucking trade group and truck maker Navistar International Corp. urged a U.S. Senate panel on Wednesday to include self-driving commercial trucks in proposed legislation intended to speed autonomous vehicles to market. The House last week unanimously approved a …

Truck Speeding Fix Among Safety Rules Halted by Trump Anti-Regulation Order

Years of pleas from parents whose son was killed by a speeding tractor-trailer, buy-in from some truckers and the promise of fewer highway deaths convinced U.S. officials in September to propose requiring speed-limiting devices on all large rigs. All it …