tsunami News

California City Building ‘Tsunami-Resistant’ Port

It doesn’t matter if the earth sways in Chile, Alaska or Japan, the formation of the sea floor along the U.S. West Coast generally aims any tsunami surges at the tiny California port town of Crescent City. Churning water rushes …

Tsunami Debris Reported Closer to Washington Coast

A Seattle oceanographer who has been tracking debris from the Japanese tsunami says a huge debris field, hundreds of miles across, is about 400 miles off the Washington coast. Retired University of Washington oceanographer Curtis Ebbesmeyer told The Daily Herald …

Hawaii Tsunami Smaller Than Feared; Ports Reopened

Officials in Hawaii reopened the state’s ports on Sunday and canceled a tsunami advisory as fears receded that there would be damaging waves from a powerful earthquake off the coast of Canada. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center lifted its tsunami …

Ore. County to Ditch Tsunami Sirens; Resident Objects on Facebook

When the big one hits the Oregon coast, people won’t need sirens, say experts – they’ll know by the intense trembling beneath their feet that a tsunami is on the way and it’s time to hustle to high ground. Besides, …

Feds Grant Hawaii $1.3M for Tsunami Sirens

The U.S. Commerce Department says it will grant Hawaii $1.3 million to upgrade its disaster preparedness system and build new tsunami warning sirens. U.S. Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank said in a Friday statement that the money is meant to help …

Alaska To Get $1 Million For Tsunami Cleanup

Japan is providing money for cleanup of debris from that country’s tsunami last year. KTUU-TV reported that Alaska will receive $1 million from Japan. The money is part of a $6 million appropriation for the task to the U.S. and …

Strong Earthquake Strikes Western Costa Rica: AIR Analysis

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, on September 5 at 8:42 AM local time, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck a sparsely populated region of western Costa Rica approximately 150 km [94 miles] west of San José , the nation’s …

Washington Given $50,000 For Tsunami Debris Bags

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has given the state of Washington $50,000 to help pay for trash bags and bins to collect debris washing ashore from the Japanese tsunami. The state Ecology Department says most of the small debris …

Ore. Groups To Organize Tsunami Debris Volunteers

Four nonprofit groups say they will team up to organize and coordinate Oregon volunteers working on tsunami debris. The World of Coos Bay reports the groups plan to create a data base of people who can monitor the Oregon coast, …

Gregoire Releases $500,000 For Tsunami Debris

Gov. Chris Gregoire is releasing $500,000 from her emergency fund to address costs associated with potential debris washing up on the state’s beaches from the Japanese tsunami. Gregoire said Tuesday that the money will be released to the state’s Military …