Turkey News

Paris Hosts Bird Flu Conference

Paris will host representatives from more than 50 countries for a two-day forum that will seek ways to cope with the increasing spread of the deadly avian flu virus H5N1. As wild birds continue their seasonal migrations, they have come …

Small business and asbestos

While shopping for turkey last Thanksgiving, it would have been good to pause and appreciate those millions of independent small businesses that provide the goods and services this thriving nation depends upon. Today, such enterprises form the economic bedrock of …

Small business headed for the chopping block?

While shopping for turkey last Thanksgiving, it would have been good to pause and appreciate those millions of independent small businesses that provide the goods and services this thriving nation depends upon. Today, such enterprises form the economic bedrock of …

By Jack Faris

Worry mounts among small employers because they are prime targets for trial lawyers who view them as easier pickings than big companies that have the financial resources to vigorously defend themselves. Small business and asbestos While shopping for turkey last …

Small business headed for the chopping block?

The ruling accurately determined that an employer’s duty to provide a safe workplace is limited to employees and does not extend to others such as spouses. While shopping for turkey last Thanksgiving, it would have been good to pause and …

Aon: Vigilance Recommended by Companies in Cartoon Furor

Risk managers of multinational corporations would do well to follow closely the escalating protests over Danish cartoons satirizing the Prophet Muhammad in Europe and the Middle East, according to Aon Trade Credit Managing Director Bryan Squibb. President Bush has called …

Headed for the chopping block

While shopping for turkey last Thanksgiving, it would have been good to pause and appreciate those millions of independent small businesses that provide the goods and services this thriving nation depends upon. Today, such enterprises form the economic bedrock of …

How courts are viewing motor carrier cargo disputes

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the BMC-32 Endorsement [Bureau of Motor Carriers attachment] does not apply to contract carriage for shipments taking place after Jan. 1, 1996, the effective date of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) …

Headed for the chopping block

The ruling accurately determined that an employer’s duty to provide a safe workplace is limited to employees and does not extend to others such as spouses. While shopping for turkey last Thanksgiving, it would have been good to pause and …

Closer Look: Motor Carrier Cargo

Although the Carmack Amendment provides that the cargo owner’s sole remedy is for “actual loss or injury to the property,” the courts have consistently held that consequential or special damages are included. How courts are viewing motor carrier cargo disputes …