U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board News

Flames Shot Out of Grinder Before 2017 Wisconsin Mill Explosion

A corn grinder began belching flames shortly before a deadly explosion tore through a southern Wisconsin mill last year, federal safety inspectors said. The May 31 blast at the Didion Milling Co. plant in Cambria killed five workers, injured 14 …

Wisconsin Oil Refinery Fire Injures at Least 15

An explosion at Husky Energy’s refinery in Superior, Wisconsin, caused a fire that burned for several hours on Thursday and sent smoke billowing into the air, prompting the evacuation of thousands of residents, officials said. Local media said at least …

2 Killed in Explosion at West Virginia Industrial Plant

An explosion at a West Virginia industrial plant has killed two people and injured a third. Officials say the explosion was reported last week at Midland Resource Recovery, a company based in Ontario, Canada, that odorizes natural gas. The U.S. …

Report: St. Louis Tank in Deadly Explosion Needed Emergency Repairs

A giant steam-filled tank weighing nearly 2,000 pounds (900 kilograms) that exploded at a St. Louis box plant, flew a quarter-mile into the air and smashed into a neighboring building, was being used despite needing emergency repairs, federal investigators said …

Exxon Deficiencies Found In California Refinery Blast, Probe Shows

An explosion at an ExxonMobil oil refinery in California last year could have been prevented if managers had taken into account aging safety equipment and shut down a key, spark-generating part of the refinery before attempting repairs elsewhere, federal investigators …

Ex-Chemical Board Safety Chairman Could Face Probe

Two House members are seeking a Justice Department investigation of the former head of the federal board that investigates chemical accidents, saying they believe he made multiple false statements while testifying before an oversight committee. The request for the federal …

Extensive Corrosion: Report on 2012 Chevron Fire in California

The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board and the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health released a technical evaluation report on piping samples taken from the Chevron Refinery in Richmond, Calif., where a hydrocarbon release and massive fire …