U.S. Department of Labor News

Biden Overtime Pay Rule Challenged by US Business Groups

A coalition of U.S. business groups has filed a lawsuit seeking to block a Biden administration rule that would extend mandatory overtime pay to 4 million workers, saying it goes too far. The groups filed a complaint in U.S. District …

Added Protection or Opportunity Lost? New Independent Contractor Rule Issued

The U.S. Department of Labor on Jan. 9 issued a final rule, more than a year in the making, on the definition of an independent contractor. First proposed in October 2022, the rule provides guidance to employers in determining if …

New Contractor Rule to Be Unveiled Soon That Could Upend Gig Economy

The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden will release a final rule as soon as this week that will make it more difficult for companies to treat workers as independent contractors rather than employees that typically cost a company more, …

US Slips in Supply-Chain Ranks After Child-Labor Violations

The US has joined a list of mostly emerging-market countries where ESG supply-chain risks are “high,” after the world’s richest economy failed to provide adequate protections for vulnerable populations including migrant children, according to a fresh study. The US saw …

California Restaurants Offered Priest to Extract Confessions of Workplace ‘Sins’

Federal wage and hour investigators say a northern California restaurant attempted to use an alleged priest to get employees to admit workplace “sins.” During litigation by the U.S. Department of Labor in federal court, an employee of Che Garibaldi Inc., …

Philadelphia Home Care Agency Ordered to Pay $7M in Back Wages, Damages

A federal court has ordered a Philadelphia home care agency and its owner to pay more than $7 million in back wages and damages to 1,230 current and former employees. After two years of litigation, Judge Chad F. Kenney in …

Department of Labor Withdrawing Proposal to Revoke Approval of Arizona’s OSHA Plan

The U.S. Department of Labor today announced that its Occupational Safety and Health Administration plans to withdraw a proposal to reconsider and revoke final approval of Arizona’s for occupational safety and health. By withdrawing the proposal, this will leave the …

Key Biden Administration Labor Policies Will Face Legal Challenges in 2023

The Biden administration and a Democrat-led U.S. labor board will implement a series of major employment policies in 2023 but could be stymied by challenges from business groups and Republican-led states that have criticized the measures. The following rules are …

California Workers’ Comp Benefits to Increase in 2023

California’s State Average Weekly Wage rose by more than 5% in the year ending March 31, 2022, which will result in an increase in California workers’ compensation temporary total disability and permanent total disability rates for 2023 work injury claims …

Department of Labor Reopens Comment Period on Arizona’s OSHA Plan

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration is reopening the comment period for an additional 60 days on the proposal to reconsider and revoke the final approval of Arizona’s State Plan for Occupational Safety and Health. The …