U.S. District Court News

Did Uber Driver Settlement Lawyer Win at Expense of Drivers?

The lawyer who struck a $100 million deal with Uber Technologies Inc. is being accused of greed by some of the drivers covered by the accord who want her bumped. “She has single-handedly stuck a knife in the back of …

Lowe’s Pays $$8.6M for Firing Disabled Workers Who Sought Extended Medical Leave

Lowe’s Cos. has reached an $8.6 million settlement of a U.S. agency lawsuit accusing the nation’s second-largest home improvement retailer of illegally firing workers who went on medical leave for a long time. The accord resolves Equal Employment Opportunity Commission …

Stakes Are High at Google vs. Oracle Copyright Trial #2

Oracle Corp. and Google are stepping before a jury a second time with potentially $9.3 billion on the line, and the prospect of profoundly changing how software is protected and licensed. The “World Series” of intellectual property, as the judge …

Facebook Must Face Claims Its Photo Tagging Violates Biometric Privacy

Facebook Inc. users who say the social network’s facial scanning flouts their privacy rights won the first round of a court fight. A federal judge in San Francisco on Thursday rejected Facebook’s request to throw out a lawsuit alleging the …

Uber Settlement Doesn’t Settle Gig Economy’s Independent Contractor vs. Employee Dispute

Uber Technologies Inc. resolved the biggest threat to its business by settling with California drivers suing to be treated more like traditional employees, a move that could have broad-ranging implications for companies across the sharing economy. The agreement calls for …

Widow’s Damages Lawsuit Blames Twitter for Spread of ISIS

Twitter Inc. was accused in a lawsuit by the widow of a man killed at a police training center in Jordan of knowingly allowing the Islamic State to spread its terrorist message through its service. Twitter, like other social media …

Bill Cosby Asks Court to Nix Lawsuit by AIG Over Defamation Claims

Former QBE Insurance Executive, Consultant Charged with Embezzling $2.6M

A former QBE Insurance Group Ltd. executive and an accomplice embezzled $2.6 million by submitting phony invoices in which the name of the chief financial officer was forged, according to U.S. prosecutors. James J. Shea, a former QBE vice president …

Appeal to Delay NFL Concussion Settlement

The National Football League’s $765 million settlement of concussion lawsuits is headed for an appeal, a move that could delay players’ access to benefits. Philadelphia U.S. District Judge Anita Brody’s approval of the accord capped almost two years of negotiations …

Christian Group Sues Michigan City, Muslims Over Event

A Christian legal advocacy group has claimed in a federal lawsuit that officials in a western Michigan city violated the rights of a self-proclaimed former terrorist by interrupting him during an event on free speech at a local high school. …