U.S. sanctions on Iran News

Reuters: Crypto Exchange Binance Helped Iran Firms Trade $8B Despite U.S. Sanctions

Crypto giant Binance has processed Iranian transactions with a value of $8 billion since 2018 despite U.S. sanctions intended to cut Iran off from the global financial system, blockchain data show. Almost all the funds, some $7.8 billion, flowed between …

UK, France, Germany Huddle on Iran Oil Tanker Insurance

If European powers are to succeed in holding together a nuclear deal with Iran that the U.S. abandoned a week ago, then one issue they’ll need to consider is the insurance of oil tankers hauling the Persian Gulf country’s crude. …

U.S. Warns European Businesses on Sanctions If They Do Business with Iran

European countries and companies that continue to do business with Iran could face U.S. sanctions, National Security Adviser John Bolton said Sunday. Part of the flaw with the Iran deal that President Donald Trump rejected was it enticed Europe and …

U.S. Can’t Seize Manhattan Building Over Iranian Terror Claims: Court

A federal appeals court said on Wednesday the U.S. government cannot seize a midtown Manhattan office tower originally built by the Shah of Iran, whose owners it claimed were fronts for the Iranian government. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of …

Bankers to Be Held Personally Liable for Sanctions Violations: U.S. Treasury

The U.S. Treasury Department plans to hold bankers personally responsible and subject them to fines when their banks help countries such as Iran evade economic sanctions. The shift is in line with recently declared intentions also to hold individual bankers …

Senate Preparing New Iran Sanctions, Expanded Insurance Ban

New sanctions aimed at reducing global trade with Iran in the energy, shipping and metals sectors may soon be considered by the U.S. Senate as part of an annual defense policy bill, senators and aides said on Tuesday. The sanctions …