u.s. supreme court News

Supreme Court Favors Employees in Retirement Plan Monitoring Claim

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday revived claims made by Edison International employees who accused the utility of favoring higher-cost mutual funds over lower-cost ones in its retirement plan. On a 9-0 vote, the court threw out an appeals court …

No Plans To Sue Colorado Over Marijuana, Utah Governor Says

Gov. Gary Herbert says Utah has no plans to join two other states in suing Colorado over that state’s legalization of marijuana. The Deseret News reported Herbert said that despite no current plans to sue, Utah is keeping an eye …

Employee Suit Against Edison Utility in California to Be Heard by Court

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday agreed to weigh whether to revive certain claims made in a class action lawsuit filed by employees against utility Edison International over its pension plan management. The nine justices will consider a lawsuit filed …

Supreme Court Rejects Human Rights Claim Against Multinational Firm

The U.S. Supreme Court gave multinational companies a stronger shield against lawsuits, throwing out a case against Daimler AG over a company unit’s alleged collaboration in torture and killings in Argentina. The justices unanimously said the parent company didn’t have …

Supreme Court Could Take Up Religious Rights of Corporations

U.S. Supreme Court justices could decide on Tuesday to review religious objections made by corporations to a provision of the 2010 federal healthcare law requiring employers to provide health insurance that covers birth control. The key question before the court …

U.S. Wants Supreme Court to Take up Hobby Lobby Case

The federal government has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether Oklahoma City-based Hobby Lobby and a Christian bookstore chain have to provide a wide range of birth control options for workers as part of the federal health care …

Supreme Court Considers Travelers Insurance Case on Limiting Class Actions

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday weighed whether to impose new limits on class-action lawsuits, as it reviewed whether a homeowner’s lawsuit against his insurer belonged in a state court considered friendly to plaintiffs. During oral argument, several justices suggested …

Penn. Gov. Corbett Says He’s ‘Disappointed’ by Healthcare Decision

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett said Thursday he was disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal healthcare law, but said he will work hard to limit the law’s negative impact on Pennsylvanians.Republican Gov. Corbett, when he was attorney …

Reactions to Healthcare Ruling Coming In; What’s Yours?

Industry and other reactions to the U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have been coming in. Readers are encouraged to offer their own reactions in Comments section. America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) President and …

Supreme Court to Deliver Obama Healthcare Ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to deliver on Thursday its ruling on President Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare overhaul, his signature domestic policy achievement, in a historic case that could hand him a huge triumph or a stinging rebuke just …