Uber driver classification News

Singapore Tightens Rules for Sharing Economy that Could Disrupt Asia Ambitions

Singapore, a keen early adopter of the sharing economy, has fired a warning shot across the bow of Airbnb and Uber with tighter rules that could shake up their business models and growth ambitions in Asia. The rules, some say, …

Brazil Uber Drivers Are Employees & Entitled to Benefits, Rules Judge

A Brazilian judge ruled that a driver using the Uber ride-hailing app is an employee of the San Francisco-based company and is entitled to workers’ benefits, adding to the global debate over labor rights for drivers on the platform. Uber …

EU Court to Decide Whether Uber Is an App or a Transport Company

Fifteen judges at the European Union’s top court are trying to decide, once and for all, whether Uber Technologies Inc. is an app or a transport company. The question has long vexed regulators and lawmakers across the region. Defeat for …

Uber, Drivers Resume Talks After $100 Million Deal Falls Apart

Uber Technologies Inc. doesn’t appear ready to walk away from further negotiations with its drivers in their dispute over whether they should be treated as employees rather than independent contractors. Three weeks after a federal judge threw out their $100 …

Appeals Court Grants Uber Pro-Arbitration Ruling, Thwarting Drivers’ Class Action

Uber Technologies Inc.’s arbitration agreements were largely ruled by an appeals court to be valid and enforceable in a blow to driver efforts to secure the benefits and protections of employees in California. The decision is the first by a …

Judge Nixes $100M Driver Settlement But Uber May Win in End

Uber Technologies Inc. may come out ahead by failing to win court approval of a $100 million settlement with drivers. A San Francisco federal judge rejected the agreement on Thursday, a turn of events that would typically encourage the ride-hailing …

Labor Unions Searching for Strategies to Join the Gig Economy

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers trumpeted an agreement reached earlier this month to represent New York Uber drivers, saying it “gives organized labor an opportunity to shape the new economy in a way that supports and values …

Did Uber Driver Settlement Lawyer Win at Expense of Drivers?

The lawyer who struck a $100 million deal with Uber Technologies Inc. is being accused of greed by some of the drivers covered by the accord who want her bumped. “She has single-handedly stuck a knife in the back of …

Uber Winning Support in States for Classifying Drivers as Contractors

State legislators in Ohio and Florida are moving ahead with regulations governing Uber and other ride services that would designate all drivers as independent contractors, bolstering a critical but much-disputed aspect of Uber’s business model. The states would join North …

Judge Rules Uber Drivers Can Seek Expense Reimbursement; Uber to Appeal

Uber Technologies Inc. drivers seeking to be treated as employees won a ruling that could add tens of thousands of them to the case and put hundreds of millions dollars more at stake. The drivers can now seek expense reimbursement, …