Uber driver lawsuit News

Uber UK Accused of Undermining Court Ruling on Worker Rights

Nine months after the UK Supreme Court made a crucial decision that effectively forced Uber Technologies Inc. to provide worker rights for its riders, the firm is back in court accused of trying to undermine the judgment. Uber has challenged …

Uber Reclassifies 70,000 UK Drivers as Workers – Providing Minimum Wage, Benefits

Uber Technologies Inc. will reclassify all 70,000 of its UK drivers as workers, entitling them to the minimum wage, vacation pay and other benefits after a landmark ruling from the Supreme Court last month. The ride-hailing app’s drivers will receive …

Uber’s UK Court Loss Likely to Trigger More Complaints from Gig Workers Across Europe

Uber Technologies Inc.’s defeat in a UK legal battle over the way it treats its drivers is set to trigger a wave of complaints from workers across the region. Britain’s Supreme Court ruled Friday that Uber must treat its drivers …

UK Court Rules Uber Drivers Should Be Classed as Workers, in Blow to Business Model

LONDON – A group of Uber drivers are entitled to worker rights such as the minimum wage, Britain’s Supreme Court ruled on Friday in a blow to the ride-hailing service that has ramifications for millions of others in the gig …

Update: Uber Braces for UK Legal Battles that Could End Its Reign in London

Uber Technologies Inc. is bracing for a long summer of legal battles that could see the end of its reign in London and entitle its drivers to a long list of workers’ rights. A dispute over whether its drivers should …

UK Court Rules Contractor Entitled to Employment Rights in Test Case for Gig Economy

A London plumber who claimed he was unfairly dismissed after years of working as a contractor won a court ruling Wednesday [June 13] giving him employment rights, in a closely watched case testing labor rules in the so-called gig economy. …

Uber Faces Biggest Challenge to European Plans in Region’s Top Court

Uber faces the biggest challenge yet to its European roll-out after the region’s top court was advised to rule that the U.S. ride-hailing firm is actually a transport service not an app. Although the opinion of the Court of Justice …

UK Uber Drivers Can Now Buy Injury & Illness Insurance

Uber Technologies Inc. will begin offering U.K. drivers the ability to buy injury and illness insurance, a step to provide a safety net for the independent drivers it has long been criticized for treating poorly. The benefit is a first …

Uber Faces Hike in London License Fees, in Latest Blow for Ride-Hailing Firm

Taxi app Uber could face an increase in operator license fees in London under proposed changes by the city’s transport authority, the latest in a series of moves by regulators to rein in a firm that has disrupted the traditional …

Singapore Tightens Rules for Sharing Economy that Could Disrupt Asia Ambitions

Singapore, a keen early adopter of the sharing economy, has fired a warning shot across the bow of Airbnb and Uber with tighter rules that could shake up their business models and growth ambitions in Asia. The rules, some say, …