Uber Volvo News

More Relatives of Victim of Uber Driverless Car Crash Hire Lawyer

More family members of a woman killed by an Uber Technologies Inc. self-driving vehicle have hired legal counsel, indicating the ride services firm’s legal problems may not be over in the first fatality caused by an autonomous car. Phoenix attorney …

Uber Cut Back on Safety Sensors on Volvo Involved in Fatal Accidents: Reuters

When Uber decided in 2016 to retire its fleet of self-driving Ford Fusion cars in favor of Volvo sport utility vehicles, it also chose to scale back on one notable piece of technology: the safety sensors used to detect objects …

Supplier Claims Uber Disabled Its Safety Tech in Volvo That Caused Pedestrian Fatality

Uber Technologies Inc. disabled the standard collision-avoidance technology in the Volvo SUV that struck and killed a woman in Arizona last week, according to the auto-parts maker that supplied the vehicle’s radar and camera. “We don’t want people to be …

Uber Moves Into Self-Driving Truck Lane with Otto Acquisition

Ride service Uber Technologies Inc. said on Thursday it has acquired the self-driving trucks startup Otto, and it also announced that Volvo Car Group has agreed to a $300 million alliance to develop self-driving cars. Anthony Levandowski, one of Otto’s …