Ukraine News

US Asks Farmers: Can You Plant 2 Crops Instead of 1?

There is only so much farmland in the United States, so when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last spring prompted worries that people would go hungry as wheat remained stuck in blockaded ports, there was little U.S. farmers could do to …

Forget Showering, It’s Eat or Heat for Shocked Europeans Hit By Energy Crisis

No more ironing, limited oven use and showering at work โ€“ Europeans are trying to keep their energy use down but the bills keep climbing. As wholesale gas and electricity prices surge, millions of people in Europe are now spending …

Inflation, Ukraine War Seen as Chief Financial Risks

High inflation, volatility in stock and commodity markets and the war in Ukraine have emerged as the chief risks to the U.S. financial system, the Federal Reserve reported on Monday in a biannual update on financial stability that warned of …

AIG Looks at Cutting Insurance for Russia, Ukraine

AIG, one of the world’s biggest commercial insurers, is considering cutting cover for Russia and Ukraine, to shield itself from the risk of hefty claims as sanctions ratchet up and the war drags on, an insurance broker and a source …

Western Companies Wrestle With Russia ‘Half-Exits’

Western companies that maintain a presence in Russia to provide essential goods such as food and medicines are trying to strike a balance between President Vladimir Putin’s government and advocates of Ukraine pulling them in opposite directions. More than 400 …

Ukraine’s Largest Bank, PrivatBank, Files $3B Lawsuit Against PwC Subsidiaries

Ukraine’s largest bank, PrivatBank, said on Monday [April 1] it had filed a $3 billion lawsuit against the Ukrainian and Cypriot subsidiaries of international accounting firm PwC for alleged breaches during audits of the lender in 2013-2015. It is the …

Ukraine Blames Russian Hackers for Attacks on Power Grid, Financial System

Ukraine on Wednesday accused Russian hackers of targeting its power grid, financial system and other infrastructure with a new type of virus that attacks industrial processes, the latest in a series of cyber offensives against the country. Oleksandr Tkachuk, Ukraine’s …

Islamic Militants Could Target Nuclear Industry, Security Experts Warn

Meter-thick concrete walls and 1950s-style analog control rooms help protect nuclear plants from bomb attacks and computer hackers, but Islamist militants are turning their attention to the atomic industry’s weak spots, security experts say. Concerns about nuclear terrorism rose after …

U.S. Utilities Examine Their Insurance Protection After Ukraine Grid Cyber Attack

U.S. utilities are looking hard at their cyber vulnerabilities and whether they can get insurance to cover what could be a multi-billion dollar loss after hackers cut electric power to more than 80,000 Ukrainians last month. The Dec. 23 incident …

Hackers Caused Ukraine Outage with Malware & Remote Power Cut: Report

Hackers likely caused a Dec. 23 electricity outage in Ukraine by remotely switching breakers to cut power, after installing malware to prevent technicians from detecting the attack, according to a report analyzing how the incident unfolded. The report from Washington-based …