UK’s EU membership News

‘Brexit’ Would Hurt or Severely Damage Lloyd’s of London: Survey

A survey of London market insurers, brokers, and service providers revealed that 70 percent believe a U.K. exit from the European Union would hurt or severely damage Lloyd’s of London, according to Haggie Partners, a London-based public relations consultancy, which …

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (Lead ANV Investor) Assesses ‘Brexit’ Effect

The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, one of the biggest investors in British infrastructure, said it is assessing daily the risk that Britain will leave the European Union and is considering hedging the currency risk on its investments. Ontario Teachers’, Canada’s …

British SME Owners Develop Contingency Plans for Potential ‘Brexit’

Above a factory floor of machines carving metal to within a millionth of a meter, Stephen Cheetham is preparing his company for the unknown: a British exit from the European Union. Since the government announced a referendum on Britain’s future …

‘Brexit’ Could Cost U.K. $145B in Economic Output & 950,000 Jobs by 2020: Study

Leaving the European Union might cost the U.K. 100 billion pounds ($145 billion) in lost economic output and 950,000 jobs by 2020, the Confederation of British Industry said as it stepped up its campaign against a so-called Brexit. A vote …

Bank of England Governor Warns of Brexit Risks, Angering ‘Out’ Campaigners

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said on Tuesday a vote by Britain to leave the European Union could hit the country’s $2.9 trillion economy and prompt some banks to move away from London’s global financial powerhouse. In his strongest …

200 Small Business Leaders Sign Open Letter Supporting ‘Brexit’

More than 200 small-business leaders signed an open letter calling for British withdrawal from the European Union, highlighting a division with large companies over membership of the bloc. The letter, published in the Daily Telegraph newspaper Thursday, said voters in …

‘Brexit’ Could Hurt Investments, Cause Regulatory Uncertainty: UK’s Direct Line

A British exit from the European Union could hurt UK insurer Direct Line’s investment portfolio and cause regulatory uncertainty, it said on Tuesday after posting a 3 percent rise in 2015 operating profit. Britain will hold a referendum on EU …

G20 Puts ‘Brexit’ on List of Top Global Risks After Push by UK Government

British finance minister George Osborne pushed financial leaders from the top 20 economies to include the risk of Britain leaving the European Union in their list of dangers to the world economy on Saturday, gaining explicit support from the United …

As UK Debate over Brexit Heats Up, Some Suggest Looking at Lessons of History

Cities don’t stay on top forever. Just look at Venice in the 15th century, Philadelphia in the 18th or even Vienna in the 19th. It’s a lesson some Londoners worry is being forgotten when it comes to the U.K.’s membership …

RSA’s CEO Warns That UK Withdrawal from EU Could Have Negative Impact

RSA chief Stephen Hester said a British exit from the European Union could have a negative impact on the insurer’s business and investment returns, underscoring a warning from top executives about the impact of withdrawal. Hester was one of 36 …