UN News

Plan Now for Climate-related Disasters Warns U.N. Report

A future on Earth of more extreme weather and rising seas will require better planning for natural disasters to save lives and limit deepening economic losses, the United Nations said on Wednesday in a major report on the effects of …

EU Council Extends Somalia Counter-piracy Operation; OK’s Coastal Missions

The Council of the European Union has prolonged the EU’s counter-piracy operation Atalanta by two more years, until December 2014. The Council also said that the decision “extended the force’s area of operations to include Somali coastal territory as well …

Climate Aid Progress May End Kyoto Rancor

U.N. climate talks resume in Panama next week, but expect more action in Cape Town 10 days later, where an informal panel will quietly agree the outlines of a climate fund which could surpass lending by the World Bank. Climate …

Island Nations at UN Warn of Climate Disaster

The Palestinians want the United Nations to recognize a state. And the island nation of Tuvalu wants the United Nations to act – now – to keep their state above water. The high drama surrounding the historic Palestinian bid for …

UN Climate Head Says Durban Talks Can Deliver Results

A record rise in global greenhouse emissions and ever tighter economic constraints make it crucial for United Nations climate talks in South Africa in November to overcome years of deadlock and deliver a solution, the U.N.’s climate chief told Reuters. …

West, Russia Divided on U.N. Security Council Climate Role

Western nations clashed with Russia and developing countries Wednesday over whether climate change was a security matter meriting the attention of the Security Council, the most powerful U.N. body. Diplomats said Russia initially blocked the adoption of a statement on …

Canada, Other Countries Block Asbestos from UN Hazardous List

Chrysotile asbestos will not be listed as a hazardous industrial chemical that can be banned from import after countries including Canada and Ukraine blocked consensus, a United Nations spokesman said on Friday. The decision was taken at a meeting of …

ICC Denounces Growing Protectionist Trend in G20 Countries

The Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued a statement urging G20 leaders to “keep markets open to trade, following worrying results from a recently released WTO-OECD-UNCTAD report that G20 countries are increasing protectionist measures.” The joint report by …

Arguments over Agenda Stall U.N. Climate Talks

U.N. climate talks remained deadlocked on Wednesday over a debate on the agenda for negotiations, with developing countries pushing hard for a greater focus on the fate of the Kyoto Protocol. The April 3-8 talks in the Thai capital are …

UN’s FAO Notes Climate Change, Biofuels Threaten Food Security

Climate change bringing floods and drought, growing biofuel demand and national policies to protect domestic markets could boost global food prices and threaten long-term food security, the United Nations said. High and volatile food prices are a growing global concern, …