uninsured News

Many Texas Panhandle Homes Burned in Wildfires Weren’t Insured

FRITCH — Many Panhandle residents whose dwellings and possessions burned in the region’s ongoing wildfires may never financially recover for one simple reason: Their homes weren’t insured. “A lot of the people who have lost a home had no insurance,” …

Uninsured California Subcontractor Charged with 30 Felony Counts

The California Department of Insurance is urging business owners to verify the insurance coverage for any subcontractor or vendor they do business with after trucking company owner and operator Raymond Youash, 37, of Encino, appeared in court this week on …

More Uninsured Drivers Likely To Be Towed Under New Utah Law

Uninsured drivers on Utah roadways can expect to have their cars impounded on the spot under a new law that took effect Thursday. Utah police have had the option to pull over an uninsured driver and impound their car since …

Brewer Appeals Disaster Denial For Yarnell Fire

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is appealing denial of disaster assistance from the federal government for the wildfire that killed 19 firefighters and destroyed more than 100 homes in Yarnell in June. The governor on Wednesday said that the uninsured damage …

South Texas Counties Among Highest Rates of Uninsured in Nation

Two South Texas counties have among the highest rates of people without health insurance in the nation, with working Hispanic men in South Texas the most likely to not have coverage, according to data released by the U.S. Census Bureau. …

Fraud Fear Raised In California’s Health Exchange

Consumer groups are worried that California’s uninsured could fall victim to fraud, identity theft or other crimes by some of the very people who are supposed to help them. More than 21,000 enrollment counselors will be hired to provide consumers …

Gallup: Texas Uninsured Rate Rises, Sets Record

A new Gallup poll reports that Texas has the highest percentage of people ever recorded without health insurance at 28.8 percent. The poll released comes one year after the U.S. Census Bureau reported 24.4 percent of Texans lacked health insurance …

Texas Governor Derides Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is calling the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the vast majority of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul a “stomach punch to the American economy.” Perry said in a statement following the June 28 ruling …

N.Y. Program Lets Uninsured Artists Exchange Art for Medical Services

A new program lets uninsured New York City artists exchange their art for medical services. Tony-Award winning actor Lin-Manuel Miranda and rapper and radio personality Roxanne Shante helped launch the “Lincoln Art Exchange” at Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx on …

Some Uninsured Americans Turn to Daily Deal Sites for Health Care

The last time Mark Stella went to the dentist he didn’t need an insurance card. Instead, he pulled out a Groupon. Stella, a small business owner, canceled his health insurance plan more than three years ago when his premium rose …