United Nations climate talks News

Pacific Islanders Plead for Action on Climate Change as Sea Levels Rise

The village where Anote Tong attended school some 40 years ago is no longer there. As the Pacific Ocean encroached on the settlement, the villagers left for higher ground. “There is a church building and a meeting house, but nobody …

National Promises to Cut Carbon Emissions Will Not Be Enough: United Nations

National promises to cut emissions as part of preparations for a United Nations summit at the end of the year would cap global warming at the unacceptably high level of 3 degrees Celsius, the UN’s climate boss said this week. …

Governments Must Act to Cap Global Warming at UN Summit: Reinsurers

Politicians must act to cap global warming when they meet at a United Nations summit at the end of the year as the financial and humanitarian consequences of natural catastrophes become ever clearer, reinsurers meeting at an industry conference said. …

EU Submits U.N. Climate Pledge; Urges U.S., China to Follow

The European Union on Friday submitted its formal promise on how much it will cut greenhouse gas emissions to the United Nations ahead of climate change talks starting in November and called on the United States and China to follow …

U.S. Submits 2015 Global Climate Wishlist to United Nations

The United States on Wednesday submitted to the United Nations its vision for a new international climate agreement that is “built to last,” outlining what it thinks should be the main elements of a climate deal to be agreed upon …

Philippine Disaster Fuels Call for Rich Nations to Compensate Poor for Global Warming Losses

The typhoon that killed thousands of people in the Philippines has energized debate about whether rich nations should compensate poor ones for climate-related losses, a proposal the U.S. and European Union are resisting. Some 130 countries, including islands concerned they’ll …