United Nations COP26 summit News

Update: Leaders at COP26 Climate Conference Pledge to Cut Methane and Save Forests

GLASGOW – Leaders at the COP26 global climate conference pledged on Tuesday to stop deforestation by the end of the decade and cut emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane to help slow climate change. On the second day of …

AXA Tightens Policy for Insuring, Investing in Oil & Gas Ahead of COP26 Summit

AXA, France’s biggest insurer, said on Friday it would tighten its policy regarding investing in and insuring the oil and gas sector, as pressure builds on finance to help curtail new production. The announcement, which comes before global leaders meet …

Flood Re Tours UK With ‘Floodmobile’ Before COP26 to Highlight Flood Resilience

Flood Re, the joint initiative between the UK government and insurance industry to help make home flood insurance more affordable, has been touring flood-prone cities in the UK to highlight the resilience measures that residents and businesses can install to …

What Are the Economic Stakes of Climate Change?

COP26 climate talks in Glasgow starting next Sunday may be the world’s best last chance to cap global warming at the 1.5-2 degrees Celsius upper limit set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement. The stakes for the planet are huge …

Greenhouse Gas Levels Hit Record in 2021 as World Fails to Cap Rising Temperatures

GENEVA/GLASGOW – Greenhouse gas concentrations hit a record last year and the world is “way off track” on capping rising temperatures, the United Nations said on Monday, showing the task facing climate talks in Glasgow aimed at averting dangerous levels …

Banks Demanding Stricter Environmental Criteria When Financing Shipping Companies

Banks are demanding much stricter environmental criteria when financing shipping companies as investor pressure grows on the sector to accelerate going greener, according to Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Shipping, which transports about 90% of world trade, accounts for nearly 3% …

Corporate Climate Risk Disclosures Still Falling Short, Regulators Say

Around half of companies assessed have begun to apply globally agreed climate-related disclosure standards for helping investors to pick firms committed to sustainability, regulators said on Thursday. A task force set up by the Financial Stability Board – which groups …

Rich Nations Face Demands to Pay for Climate Damages Caused by Historical Emissions

The aftermath of Hurricane Irma has left deep scars in the tiny island nations that were in the path of the Category Five storm just before it slammed into Florida. The toll in Antigua and Barbuda added up to more …

Financial Services Groups Urge G20 Leaders to Set ‘Clear, Credible, Ambitious’ Climate Goals

Financial services groups responsible for more than $90 trillion in assets on Monday called for the leaders of the world’s largest economies to push through “clear, credible and ambitious” policies to battle climate change. The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net …

UK Struggles to Adapt to Impact of Climate Change

The UK is struggling to put in place adequate measures to deal with rising sea levels and warmer temperatures caused by pollution, the government’s independent adviser on climate matters has warned. Average land temperatures in the UK have risen by …