United Nations News

Global Risk Investment May R!SE With U.N., Willis-Backed Initiative

There is opportunity in climate change. That’s the frown-upside down view being taken by at least one large insurance broker under part of a global initiative to heighten the awareness of global risk and investing opportunities. Operating under the umbrella …

Climate Change in 2015 Could be Bigger Than Religion – or Selfie

The phrase “climate change” yields roughly 108 million results in a Google search – in the ballpark in terms of numbers of results with “Jesus Christ,” “Mohamed” and “selfie” – and you can expect the phrase to become an even …

Climate Change Report Paints Portrait of Dystopian Future

A major climate change report issued over the weekend offers dire predictions, a call to action to government and industry and it assesses the blame for a rapidly changing and more volatile world on mankind. The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel …

UN Climate Chief Calls For ‘Urgent Transformation’ of Oil, Gas to Green Energy

The U.N.’s climate chief called on the oil and gas industry on Thursday to make a drastic shift to a clean, low-carbon future or risk having to leave three-quarters of fossil fuel reserves in the ground. “The time for experimentation, …

180 Countries Agree on New Climate Treaty Agenda

More than 180 countries agreed on an agenda for work on a new climate treaty by 2015 at United Nations climate talks on Friday, breaking a week-long deadlock over procedure. “(The work plan) was not an easy issue to agree …

Investors: Private Sector Must Tackle Climate Change

Institutional investors with a collective $26 trillion under management opened a new front Thursday in the fight against climate change, urging the private sector to mobilize, follow the money and find new technologies to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Putting a …

Insurers Meet in Canada on United Nations Sustainability Principles

Canada is this week hosting the third of seven United Nations conferences to develop a set of sustainability principles for the insurance industry. Insurance industry CEOs and other senior executives from Bermuda, Canada and the United States are attending the …

Global Nuclear Forum Backs Safety Push

A 72-nation nuclear forum said on Thursday it backed a U.N.-led campaign to strengthen atomic safety in the light of Japan’s crisis and promised to carry out prompt steps as a result. Japan’s month-long struggle to stabilise the Fukushima nuclear …