United States News


Commissions and the MLR “After hearing from various interested parties, if HHS does not fix this language before the rule is final, we hope that Congress will step in and revise the MLR formula through the legislative process.” —Charles E. …


Legislate Commissions “After hearing from various interested parties, if HHS does not fix this language before the rule is final, we hope that Congress will step in and revise the MLR formula through the legislative process.” — Charles E. Symington …

North Carolina Escapes Storms; Will It Escape Florida’s Insurance Woes?

Earlier in 2010, Colorado State’s Tropical Meteorology Project forecasted eight hurricanes to emerge from 15 named tropical storms in the Atlantic basin. Of those, four were forecasted to become major hurricanes. On August 29, Tropical Storm Earl was upgraded to …

Inside the Disaster Blaster

Industry’s $40M Research Center May Someday Lead to Lower Catastrophe Claim For those who question the intelligence of insurance companies, here’s a new industry development that should answer those questions once and for all: The insurance industry is ecstatic because …

Fireman’s Fund Ready to Rally

Company Progressing on Mass Market Strategy Fireman’s Fund’s financials, like other insurance carriers’, got bruised a little in the first half of 2010, following some heavy catastrophe losses. But company President and CEO Mike LaRocco said he’s “very bullish” about …

Employers With Foreign Labor Face Increased Liability

Insurance Considerations for Agents Insuring Agricultural Employer Every state has been impacted by Arizona’s immigration law, as there is now a cry for immigration reform. Employers who hire a questionable workforce due to the “dirty” or menial nature of certain …

5 The number of Category 3 hurricanes that formed in the Atlantic Basin this hurricane season. The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season, which ended November 30, was one of the busiest on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. …

Inside the Disaster Blaster

Industry’s $40M Research Center May Someday Lead to Lower Catastrophe Claim For those who question the intelligence of insurance companies, here’s a new industry development that should answer those questions once and for all: The insurance industry is ecstatic because …


Get on the Bandwagon “You’re not going to get any more mortality (business) with the things you’re doing now.” —Douglas French, managing principal of Ernst & Young’s insurance advisory practice, recently told Reuters that most insurers are missing business opportunities …

India Expects to Break Rich/Poor Deadlock at Climate Talks

An Indian proposal could break a deadlock between rich and poor countries over how to share the burdens of tackling global warming, India’s environment minister said Thursday before heading to U.N. climate talks in Mexico. India’s environment minister Jairam Ramesh …