United States News

U.S. Mine Deaths At Record Low

The number of miners killed on the job in the United States fell for a second straight year to 34, the fewest since officials began keeping records nearly a century ago. That was down from the previous low of 52 …

Pennsylvania Zinc Plant Settles Pollution Lawsuit

The largest zinc producer in the United States and an environmental group have settled a federal lawsuit claiming the company polluted the Ohio River. Under the settlement with Clean Water Action, Horsehead Holding Corp. of Monaca will pay $15,000 for …

Deep South CEO Disiere to Step Down

David Disiere, CEO of the Dallas-based managing general agency Deep South Insurance Group, plans to leave that position. In 2008, QBE U.S. Agencies, a longtime partner of Deep South and a subsidiary of QBE Insurance Group purchased Deep South from …

Captives Fuel Growth and Income for Agency Owners

In times like these, where the insurance industry is now in its fifth year of a soft market, the use of an agency captive insurance company can spark both revenue and profits to improve an agency’s overall financial performance. The …

Special Reuters Report: America’s Route to Recovery

When Bob Hagan was a boy in Youngstown, Ohio, people equated the coke dust they swept off their doorsteps each day with opportunity, for it came from the steel mills that built this city. After graduating from high school more …

Europe Feels Left Out in Cold on Climate Change Deal

It’s a climate deal that has Europe feeling left out in the cold. The continent that used to take the lead in advocating climate action is now taking the lead in climate complaining. And it’s not just upset with the …

Aon Consulting Hires Matson as Large Market Business Developer

Steve Matson has joined Houston-based Aon Consulting as a large client business developer for the United States across all regions. Matson will work directly with business development and regional leadership to drive growth through increased representation of Aon’s consulting capability …

P/C Industry’s Net Income Up; Combined Ratio at 100.7 for Q3

Private U.S. property/casualty insurers’ net income after taxes rose to $16.2 billion through nine-months 2009, partially recovering from the 91.2 percent decline to $4.4 billion through nine-months 2008 from $49.6 billion through nine-months 2007. Insurers’ overall profitability as measured by …

U.N. Climate Talks End ‘With a Bare Minimum’ Agreement

U.N. climate talks ended with a bare-minimum agreement Saturday, Dec.19, when delegates “noted” an accord struck by the United States, China and other emerging powers that falls far short of the conference’s original goals. “Finally we sealed a deal,” U.N. …

UK’s Environment Minister Reported to Accuse China over Climate Talks

British Environment Minister Ed Miliband has accused China, Sudan, Bolivia and other left-wing Latin American nations of having tried to hijack the U.N. climate summit to stop a deal, the Guardian reported on Monday. The summit in Copenhagen ended with …