United States News

U.S. Launches Auto ‘Clunker’ Program

In what may prove to be boon for the U.S. auto industry and, by extension, Midwest states that have been adversely affected by auto manufacturer bankruptcies, the U.S. government launched its $1 billion cash incentive program to stimulate auto sales …


Tennessee Venture “This is a big opportunity. It’s important for the state to get this and to do this so that we remain competitive. Those funds I’m sure will be weighted fairly evenly throughout the state just for balance and …

How to Help Clients Work Through the Challenges of Business Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy. It’s a word agents and brokers will need to get used to hearing from their business clients. It’s not just occurring on Wall Street; it’s happening every day on Main Streets across the country and in industries as broad …

Chicago-Based Insurance Group Entering U.S. Latin American Market

The Wyncrest Group Inc., a niche insurance consortium based in Chicago, Ill., announced its entrance into the Latin American insurance market in the U.S. The company said its pending acquisition of Florida Insurance Consulting Inc. will provide an avenue for …

U.S. and China Sign Memorandum on Climate Change

The United States and China, the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases, signed an agreement Tuesday that promises more cooperation on climate change, energy and the environment without setting firm goals. Chinese and U.S. officials signed the memorandum of understanding …

Virginia Regulators to Consider Sprinkler Requirement

Fire officials urged Virginia regulators this week to require sprinklers in all new homes, while builders argued it would drive up the cost and put home ownership out of reach for many. More than 200 people — split about evenly …

U.S. Launches Auto ‘Clunker’ Program

The U.S. government launched a $1 billion cash incentive program on Friday to stimulate auto sales by getting consumers to part with gas guzzling cars and trucks and buy more fuel efficient vehicles. The program, which offers up to $4,500, …

Challenges to Anti-Concurrent Cause Clauses Linger in Katrina Lawsuits

Hurricane Katrina, in addition to causing unprecedented damage and destruction, added significantly to the workload of state and federal courts in Louisiana and Mississippi. Almost four years after the fact, those courts remain flooded (pun intended) with lawsuits between insurers …

Johnson, Mowinski Named Midwest VPs for Torus Insurance

Global specialty insurer Torus Insurance has appointed Dennis Johnson and Mark Mowinski as vice presidents and senior property underwriters, responsible for underwriting in the Midwestern U.S. They will both report to Steve Fomchenko, Torus’ global head of General Property Underwriting. …

Chartis’ Moor Maps Out 20% Sale, Other Steps in Separating from AIG

Bailed-out insurer American International Group Inc. rebranded its property/ casualty business under the name Chartis Monday and said it would put the equity for the division into a separate company — key steps toward a sale of at least part …