University of Michigan News

Judge Dismisses Part of Sexual Assault Suit Against Univ. of Michigan

LANSING, Mich. (AP) – A judge has dismissed part of a lawsuit filed by eight women alleging sexual harassment and assault by a former University of Michigan lecturer. Judge Thomas Cameron of the Michigan Court of Claims ruled Friday that …

U. of Michigan Missed Chances to Stop Doctor’s Abuse, Report Says

Staff at the University of Michigan missed many opportunities to stop a doctor who committed sexual misconduct for decades with long-term consequences for hundreds of patients, including generations of student athletes, a law firm hired by the school has reported. …

Ex-Athletes Sue University of Michigan Alleging Sex Abuse by Doctor

Three former athletes at the University of Michigan have filed lawsuits against the school, alleging that a late doctor sexually assaulted them while the men were members of the football and hockey teams in the 1980s. The lawsuits, which identify …

Coming Soon: Talking Car That Tells If Driver Is About to Have Medical Emergency

A driver experiencing an unexpected cardiac event on the road isn’t the only one at risk. Fellow passengers and motorists also face death or serious injury when another person has a medical emergency behind the wheel. That’s why representatives from …

Patients’ Pre-Surgery Opioid Use Contributes to Higher Costs, Complications

Surgery patients often go home from the hospital with a prescription for painkillers to take as they recover. But a new study suggests that doctors should also focus on patients who were taking such medicines before their operations. People who …

Michigan’s New ‘Smart’ Roads May ‘Talk’ to Vehicles

Highway officials are beginning to install sensors and cameras on roads near Detroit that will be able to provide construction, traffic and weather updates to motorists. The Michigan Department of Transportation recently installed the system along 20 miles of Interstate …

M City: Where All Cars Are Driverless

A simulated city opened Monday on the north campus of the University of Michigan to test how self-driving cars will travel in the future without mowing down pedestrians or causing colossal crashes. “We had the faculty here at the university …

Fraternity Members Accused of Vandalism at Michigan Ski Resorts

Officials at ski resorts in Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula say University of Michigan fraternity members were responsible for thousands of dollars in vandalism. WWTV/WWUP reports that police escorted students from Treetops Resort in Dover Township near Gaylord sometime last weekend. …

U of M, Carmakers Fund Research Toward Communicating Cars

A group of companies, including several large automakers, have joined a public-private research initiative to lay the groundwork for a system that wirelessly connects vehicles and helps smooth the flow of traffic, the University on Michigan said. The university’s Mobility …

Drivers May Be Unaware of Texting Habit: Study

Texting while driving is considered a serious public safety concern, but a new University of Michigan study suggests that drivers might not be aware of their actions. U-M researchers found that texting while driving is predicted by a person’s level …