unsanitary conditions News

New Orleans Paying to Move Tenants From Neglected Apartments

New Orleans is paying to relocate all remaining residents of a bankrupt apartment complex where people said a landlord’s neglect forced them into unsanitary living conditions with rampant mold, rodents and a broken pipe that spewed raw sewage. The rare …

Massachusetts Hospitals Saw a 60% Increase in Medical Errors Last Year

State public health officials say preventable medical errors reported by full-service Massachusetts hospitals jumped 60 percent last year, but attributed the rise in large part to a problem at a single hospital. The Department of Public Health says hospitals disclosed …

Former Oklahoma Dentist Charged with Money Laundering, Insurance Fraud

A former Oklahoma oral surgeon whose filthy clinics led to thousands of patients being tested for HIV and hepatitis faces a federal charge of money laundering, prosecutors announced. The court filing alleges that W. Scott Harrington laundered money by fraudulently …