USA gymnastics sex assault lawsuit News

7th Circuit: Liberty Must Defend USA Gymnastics in Nassar Lawsuits; Coverage May Be Limited

Larry Nassar is accused of sexually assaulting hundreds of girls and young women while working with USA Gymnastics, resulting in his criminal conviction and hundreds of lawsuits that forced the organization into bankruptcy. Liberty Mutual Underwriters must defend USAG against …

U.S. Olympics Sues Insurers Over Stalled Nassar Sex Abuse Settlement

The United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) said on Friday it has filed a lawsuit against its insurance providers for failing to fulfill obligations in reaching a settlement with survivors of the Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal. Committee Chair …

USA Gymnastics, Short on Funds to Pay Sex-Abuse Claims, Files for Bankruptcy

USA Gymnastics, under threat of being decertified by the U.S. Olympic Committee, filed for bankruptcy after running short of funds to pay victims of Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse. The organization filed for Chapter 11 status in the Southern District of …

Why Organizations Cover Up Sex Abuse Scandals

Of all the horrific details contained in the Pennsylvania grand jury report on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, one sentence stands out: “The main thing was not to help children, but to avoid `scandal.”’ When sex-abuse cases dominate …

Texas Prosecutors Clear Karolyis in Sex Assault Suit; Nassar, Trainer Charged

Texas prosecutors on June 29 filed sexual assault charges against Larry Nassar and a trainer who worked at his side, expanding the worst abuse scandal in U.S. sports history beyond Michigan while also clearing world-renowned gymnastics coaches Bela and Martha …