Vaccinations News

COVID-Cautious Supreme Court Preparing to Rule on Biden Vaccine Mandates

The U.S. Supreme Court, which has restricted its own operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, is preparing to decide whether to block President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates for large businesses and healthcare workers in a test of presidential powers to address …

Pressure on Workers to Get Vaccine Grows as Patience Runs Thin for U.S. Employers

As a resurgence in Covid-19 cases prompts more U.S. employers to require vaccinations, workers who object face a common response: Get a shot or get another job. In the past six weeks alone, a federal judge in Texas dismissed a …

Vaccination Rate for Public Safety Workers in L.A. Below Average

COVID-19 vaccination rates for police and firefighting personnel in Los Angeles and prison employees across California are significantly lower than the state’s average for other adults, raising concerns among medical ethicists and public safety leaders about whether unvaccinated first responders …