vaccine injury compensation News

Rare Covid-19 Vaccine and Treatment Injury Victims Look to U.S. Fund

High school senior Emma Burkey received her “one and done” Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine on March 20, and within two weeks was in an induced coma following seizures and clotting in her brain. She’s making a slow recovery, having …

Supreme Court Asked to Decide Standard for Vaccine Injury Compensation

The U.S. Supreme Court is being asked to decide whether people who suffer harmful vaccine side effects should have an easier time winning compensation from the government. Congress created what’s known as the vaccine court in 1986, setting up a …

Vaccine Claims System Slow to Compensate Injured

All but broken by her son’s violent and unexplained seizures, by so many panicked trips from the crib to the emergency room, Jeffrey McCord’s mom thought her desperate search for both answers and help was finally over. A respected neurologist …